Connecting to Oracle Database
Oracle Data Provider for .NET can connect to Oracle Database in a number of ways, such as using a user name and password, Windows Native Authentication, Kerberos, and Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer. This section describes OracleConnection
provider-specific features, including:
Connecting to Oracle Database Cloud Service
ODP.NET Core, managed, and unmanaged drivers all support connectivity with Oracle Database Cloud Services, including Oracle Autonomous Database.
Set-up Instructions
Oracle recommends using the latest ODP.NET version available when connecting to Oracle Database Cloud Services. You will find instructions about how to download, install, and configure ODP.NET and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio below.
Connection String Attributes
Table 3-2 lists the supported connection string attributes.
Table 3-2 Supported Connection String Attributes
Connection String Attribute | Description | Default Value |
Enables database requests to automatically replay transactional or non-transactional operations in a non-disruptive and rapid manner in the event of a severed database session, which results in a recoverable error. Not Available in ODP.NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET Core |
Minimum life time (in seconds) of the connection. |
The time to wait (in seconds) for a new connection or an idle connection from the connection pool before a connection time out error can occur. |
Returns an implicit database connection if set to Supported in a .NET stored procedure only |
Oracle Net Services Name, Connect Descriptor, or an easy connect naming that identifies the database to which to connect. |
empty string |
Administrative privileges: |
empty string |
Number of connections that are closed when an excessive amount of established connections are unused. |
Controls the enlistment behavior and capabilities of a connection in context of COM+ transactions or |
Enables ODP.NET connection pool to proactively remove connections from the pool when an Oracle database service, service member, instance, or node goes down. Works with Oracle Global Data Services, including Oracle RAC, Data Guard, GoldenGate, and some single instance deployments. |
Enables ODP.NET connection pool to balance work requests across Oracle database instances based on the load balancing advisory and service goal. Works with Oracle Global Data Services, including Oracle RAC, Active Data Guard, and GoldenGate. |
Number of new connections to be created when all connections in the pool are in use. |
Maximum number of connections in a pool. |
Caches metadata information. |
Minimum number of connections in a pool. |
Password for the user specified by |
empty string |
Retrieval of the password in the connection string. |
Connection pooling. |
User name of the proxy user. |
empty string |
Password of the proxy user. |
empty string |
Enables or disables self-tuning for a connection. |
Statement cache purged when the connection goes back to the pool. |
Statement cache enabled and cache size, that is, the maximum number of statements that can be cached. |
Directory where ODP.NET can find its Not available in ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver. |
empty string |
Oracle user name. |
empty string |
Validation of connections coming from the pool. |
ODP.NET wallet directory. Not available in ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver |
empty string |
The following example uses connection string attributes to connect to Oracle Database:
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ConnectionSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //using connection string attributes to connect to Oracle Database con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }
See Also:
"OracleConnection Properties" for detailed information on connection attributes
"OracleCommand Object" for detailed information on statement caching
Connection String Builder
The OracleConnectionStringBuilder
class makes creating connection strings less error-prone and easier to manage.
Using this class, developers can employ a configuration file to provide the connection string and/or dynamically set the values though the key/value pairs. One example of a configuration file entry follows:
<configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="Publications" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=inst1" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration>
Connection string information can be retrieved by specifying the connection string name, in this example, Publications
. Then, based on the providerName
, the appropriate factory for that provider can be obtained. This makes managing and modifying the connection string easier. In addition, this provides better security against string injection into a connection string.
See Also:
Specifying the Data Source Attribute
This section describes different ways of specifying the data source attribute.
The following example shows a connect descriptor mapped to a TNS alias called sales
in the tnsnames.ora
sales= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521)) (CONNECT_DATA= (
The connection pool will maintain the full descriptor of an alias so that subsequent connection requests with the same connection string will not need to resolve the alias again. This applies to tnsnames.ora
, .NET config data sources, and LDAP aliases. To flush out the cached full descriptor maintained by the connection pool, invoke OracleDataSourceEnumerator.GetDataSources()
followed by OracleConnection.ClearPool()
or OracleConnection.ClearAllPools()
If connection pooling is not used, the alias will need to be resolved to the full descriptor for each request. In the case of LDAP, the LDAP server is contacted for each connection request.
Using the TNS Alias
To connect as scott/tiger
using the TNS Alias, a valid connection appears as follows:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=sales";
Using the Connect Descriptor
ODP.NET also allows applications to connect without the use of the tnsnames.ora
file. To do so, the entire connect descriptor can be used as the "data
The connection string appears as follows:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=" + "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)" + "(HOST=sales-server)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA="+ "("
Easy Connect and Easy Connect Plus Naming Methods
The Easy Connect and Easy Connect Plus naming methods enable clients to connect to a database without any configuration.
With this enabled, ODP.NET allows applications to specify the Data Source
attribute in the form of:
Using the same example, some valid connection strings follow:
"user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=//sales-server:1521/" "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=//sales-server/" "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=sales-server/"
If the port number is not specified, 1521 is used by default.
Easy Connect has been enhanced in ODP.NET 19c to support a wider application breadth, including clustered or cloud databases, and for ease of use. These improvements are called Easy Connect Plus and its features include:
Any SQL*Net description level parameter can be used
Multiple hosts and ports
A straightforward name-value pair format
The syntax uses the question mark symbol ?
to indicate the name-value pairs start and the ampersand symbol &
to delimit each name-value pair. The entire connect string must be specified as a single string. Leading and trailing white spaces are ignored within parameter values. If whitespace is required as part of the value, it should be placed within double-quotes.
Easy Connect Plus syntax:
Easy Connect Plus samples:
See Also:
Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for details and requirements in the section Using Easy Connect Naming Method
Using LDAP
ODP.NET can connect with connect identifiers mapped to connect descriptors in an LDAP-compliant directory server, such as Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Active Directory.
To configure LDAP for ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver, follow these Oracle documentation instructions in Configuring the Directory Naming Method in Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide.
To configure LDAP for ODP.NET, Managed Driver, follow the instructions in "settings section" and "LDAPsettings section."
To configure LDAP for ODP.NET Core, use the OracleConfiguration
class directory properties settings. ODP.NET Core LDAP support is available on Windows operating systems. It requires the System.DirectoryServices
and System.DirectoryServices.Protocols
version 4.5 or higher as dependencies.
Starting with version 19.10, ODP.NET Core supports LDAP on non-Windows operating systems. This feature requires System.DirectoryServices
and System.DirectoryServices.Protocols
5.0 or higher versions as project dependencies.
Beginning with Oracle Database release 18c, version 18.1, organizations can use centrally managed users (CMUs) with Active Directory. This feature is designed for organizations who prefer to use Active Directory as their centralized identity management solution. Organizations can use Kerberos, PKI, or password authentication with CMU and Active Directory.
LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing are ways to enhance the communication security between LDAP clients and Active Directory domain controllers. Beginning with version 19, managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core LDAP Naming adapters fully comply with the Microsoft LDAP hardening guidance.
See Also:
Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide and Oracle Database Security Guide for details and requirements in the section Using LDAP
Microsoft Guidance for Enabling LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP Signing
Using WebSocket
Websocket is a protocol that offers full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. WebSocket with SSL/TLS offers a secure WebSocket connection. WebSocket is an extension to HTTP and is able to work with HTTP proxies and intermediaries.
ODP.NET Core, managed, and unmanaged providers all support Websocket and secure WebSocket protocols in Oracle Database 19c and higher.
ODP.NET WebSocket Configuration
WebSocket and secure WebSocket can be set through the connect descriptor by setting PROTOCOL to WS for WebSocket or WSS for secure WebSocket in tnsnames.ora
, .NET configuration file, or OracleDataSourceCollection
The WebSocket uniform resource identifier (URI) can be set in tnsnames.ora
, sqlnet.ora
, .NET configuration file, and OracleConfiguration
ODP.NET Configuration File WebSocket URI Setting Sample:
<oracle.manageddataaccess.client> <version number="*"> <settings> <setting name="SQLNET.URI" value="<WebSocket URI>"/> </settings> </version> </oracle.manageddataaccess.client>
OracleConfiguration WebSocket URI Setting C# Sample:
OracleConfiguration.SqlNetURI = <WebSocket URI>;
When setting the URI in unmanaged ODP.NET, it cannot begin with a forward slash character. For managed ODP.NET, the forward slash at the beginning of the URI is optional.
Using Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are industry standard protocols for securing network connections. Both managed and unmanaged ODP.NET support SSL for database and transport authentication.
Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security Differences
Although SSL was primarily developed by Netscape Communications Corporation, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) took over development of it, and renamed it Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Essentially, TLS is an incremental improvement to SSL version 3.0.
ODP.NET, Managed Driver supports SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver supports the same SSL and TLS versions as the Oracle Database Client version it is certified with.
The SSL/TLS client can ensure that the distinguished name (DN) is correct for the database server it is trying to connect to. Parameters for DN Matching are SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH
), which can be defined in the .NET config file as well.
To turn DN Match on, set SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH
to True
(or On
or Yes
is optional. It allows the administrator to specify exactly the DN they want to match. If the SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN
is not set, then the match is done by comparing the SERVICE_NAME
value to the Common Name (CN) portion of the server certificate's DN.
See Also:
The TLS Protocol Version 1.0 [RFC 2246] at the IETF Web site, which can be found at:
in the "settings section."
To simplify the discussion, this section uses the term SSL where either SSL or TLS may be appropriate because SSL is the most widely recognized term. However, where distinctions occur between how you use or configure these protocols, this section specifies what is appropriate for either SSL or TLS.
ODP.NET Secure Sockets Layer Configuration
When you configure Secure Sockets Layer on the client, you must confirm that the wallet is created and use TCP/IP with SSL on the client. Optionally, you can perform additional steps to enhance the configuration.
SSL Configuration Topics:
Step 1: Confirm Client Wallet Creation
Before proceeding to the next step, you must confirm that a wallet has been created on the client and that the client has a valid certificate.
ODP.NET, Managed Driver supports file and Microsoft Certificate Store (MCS) based wallets.
For file-based wallets, use Oracle Wallet Manager to check that the wallet has been created. See Step 1A: Confirm Wallet Creation on the Server in Oracle Database Security Guide for information about checking a wallet.
For MCS, ODP.NET will retrieve the credentials from the MY or Personal certificate store. Use Microsoft tools or the
utility to create certificates, then load the certificates into MCS for use.
Step 2: Use TCP/IP with SSL on the Client
The ODP.NET Data Source must be modified to use SSL. Specifically, the transport protocol must be changed to use TCP/IP with SSL or what Oracle calls "tcps". An example ODP.NET Data Source for use with SSL is:
finance = (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=tcps) (HOST=finance_server) (PORT=1575) ) (CONNECT_DATA = ( ) )
Step 3: Specify Required Client SSL Configuration (Wallet Location)
Edit the sqlnet.ora
or .NET application configuration to specify the wallet location.
An example of setting the SSL wallet location for file based wallets, where
is the specified location where the client wallet is stored:wallet_location = (SOURCE=(METHOD= File) (METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=<wallet_location>)))
An example of setting the SSL wallet location for MCS based wallets is:
wallet_location = (SOURCE=(METHOD= MCS))
Step 4: Set the Required SSL Version on the Client (Optional)
parameter can be set through the sqlnet.ora
or the .NET application.config
, web.config
, or machine.config
file. Normally, it is not necessary to set this parameter. The default setting for this parameter is any
, which allows the database server to apply any necessary restrictions to the SSL version accepted. An example setting in the sqlnet.ora
Step 5: Set SSL as an Authentication Service on the Client (Optional)
parameter in the sqlnet.ora
or application.config
, web.config
, or machine.config
file to allow SSL to be used as a database external authentication methodology.
Note that SSL can be used as just a transport encryption vehicle. Hence, the "optional" designation for this setting.
If SSL is to be used as a database external Authentication Service, then a database externally authenticated user matching the client certificate must be created.
An example setting allowing SSL external authentication in the sqlnet.ora
Prior to ODAC 12c Release 4, ODP.NET, Managed Driver SSL connections would be redirected to dynamic (ephemeral) port on the database server machine. With ODAC 12c Release 4 and later, managed ODP.NET SSL connections will now continue to the original socket connection to the Oracle Listener. Hence, firewalls will now only need to allow access to the Oracle Listener's port (e.g., 1521).
See Also:
Enabling Secure Sockets Layer in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about TLS/SSL and configuration with Oracle database.
Creating a User Who Is Authenticated Externally in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about creating externally identified database users.
Troubleshooting TLS/SSL Setup
This section discusses commonly encountered issues and their typical resolution steps.
Common TLS/SSL Wallet Errors
Microsoft Windows now restricts wallets from using the MD5 algorithm. Oracle wallets may have been generated with this algorithm as that was the default option in Oracle Public Key Infrastructure (orapki
) utility 12.1 and earlier.
can be found in the ORACLE_HOME\bin
directory of the database server installation or Oracle client administrator install. It is not included with Oracle Instant Client. The utility is only needed to setup up the wallet; it is not necessary to deploy it with the wallet.
When you setup TLS/SSL and encounter an "ORA-0052: Failure during SSL handshake" error combined with a 0x80004005 error code and first inner exception "A SSPI-call failed" and second inner exception "A token sent to the function is invalid", then it is very likely that Microsoft Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) rejected your Oracle Wallet, such as when MD5 is used. This is a failure on the handshake. You can resolve this error by using the SHA-2 algorithm instead.
If the second inner exception instead indicates "The credentials supplied to the package were not recognized", it is possible the user certificate was generated without a certificate authority (CA). You can resolve this error by using orapki
to generate a CA/root certificate and then regenerating your user wallet/certificate to point to this new CA/root certificate.
The steps below will regenerate your Oracle Wallet using orapki
and SHA-2. Any orapki
version can be used to generate the wallet with these instructions.
Create root wallet, for example, a CA wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet ./root -pwd <password>
Add a self-signed certificate (CA certificate) to the root wallet.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./root -dn 'CN=<my root>' -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Export the self-signed certificate from the wallet.
orapki wallet export -wallet ./root -dn 'CN=<my root>' -cert ./root/b64certificate.txt -pwd <password>
Create a user wallet, for example, a customer wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet ./user -pwd <password> -auto_login
Add a certificate request.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./user -dn 'CN=<client's hostname>' -keysize 1024 -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Export the certificate request.
orapki wallet export -wallet ./user -dn 'CN=<client's hostname>' -request ./user/creq.txt -pwd <password>
Create a certificate issued by a CA.
orapki cert create -wallet ./root -request ./user/creq.txt -cert ./user/cert.txt -validity 3650 -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Add a trusted certificate (CA certificate) to the wallet. This example assumes the same CA for both the client and server wallets.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./user -trusted_cert -cert ./root/b64certificate.txt -pwd <password>
Add a user certificate.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./user -user_cert -cert ./user/cert.txt -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Display contents of user wallet.
orapki wallet display -wallet ./user -pwd <password>
Create a server wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet ./server -pwd <password> -auto_login
Add a server certificate request.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./server -dn 'CN=<server's hostname>' -keysize 1024 -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Export the certificate request.
orapki wallet export -wallet ./server -dn 'CN=<server's hostname>' -request ./server/creq.txt -pwd <password>
Create a server certificate issued by a CA.
orapki cert create -wallet ./root -request ./server/creq.txt -cert ./server/cert.txt -validity 3650 -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Add a trusted certificate (CA certificate) to the server wallet. This example assumes the same CA for both the client and server wallets.
orapki wallet add -wallet ./server -trusted_cert -cert ./root/b64certificate.txt -pwd <password>
Add an
certificate for the server wallet.orapki wallet add -wallet ./server -user_cert -cert ./server/cert.txt -pwd <password> -sign_alg sha512
Display contents of server wallet.
orapki wallet display -wallet ./server -pwd <password>
Using Secure External Password Store
The Secure External Password Store (SEPS) is the use of a client-side wallet for securely storing the password credentials. Both ODP.NET, Managed Driver and Unmanaged Driver can be configured to use the external password store.
An Oracle wallet is a container that securely stores authentication and signing credentials. Wallets can simplify large-scale deployments that rely on password credentials for database connections. Applications no longer need embedded user names and passwords, which reduces security risk.
ODP.NET Core supports SEPS on Windows only.
Configuring Secure External Password Store (SEPS)
Steps for configuring SEPS:
Step 1. Create the wallet file
Use the mkstore
utility to create the wallet file and insert the credentials.
Step 1a. Create a wallet on the client by using the following syntax at the command line:
mkstore -wrl wallet_location -create
For example:
mkstore -wrl c:\oracle\product\12.1.0\db_1\wallets -create Enter password: password
Step 1b. Create database connection credentials in the wallet by using the following syntax at the command line:
mkstore -wrl wallet_location -createCredential db_connect_string username Enter password: password
For example:
mkstore -wrl c:\oracle\product\12.1.0\db_1\wallets -createCredential orcl system Enter password: password
Step 2. Point the configuration to the client wallet
In the client sqlnet.ora
file, enter the WALLET_LOCATION
parameter and set it to the directory location of the wallet you created in Step 1.
For example, if you created the wallet in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
and your Oracle home is set to C:\app\client\
, then you need to enter the following into your client sqlnet.ora
WALLET_LOCATION = (SOURCE =(METHOD = FILE) (METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY = C:\app\client\<user>\product\<version>\client_1\Network\Admin) ) )
Step 3. Turn on SEPS
Enable SEPS in your application by setting the wallet override setting to true
in the OracleConfiguration.SqlNetWalletOverride
setting in sqlnet.ora
or .NET configuration file.
This setting causes all CONNECT /@db_connect_string
statements to use the information in the wallet at the specified location to authenticate to databases.
When external authentication is in use, an authenticated user with such a wallet can use the CONNECT /@db_connect_string
syntax to access the previously specified databases without providing a user name and password. Note however, that the wallet file needs to be kept up to date with the database credentials. If the database credentials change, but the wallet file is not changed appropriately, then the connections will fail.
See Also:
Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Configuration for more details about the wallet settings.
Managing the Secure External Password Store for Password Credentials in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about secure external password store and configuration with Oracle database.
Using Kerberos
Kerberos is a network authentication service for security in distributed environments. ODP.NET applications can use Kerberos for single sign-on and centralized user authentication. ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver and Managed Driver both support Kerberos for external authentication to the database server.
ODP.NET Core does not support Kerberos
Managed ODP.NET does not support Kerberos constrained delegation
File Based Credential Cache and MSLSA
ODP.NET supports both a file-based Kerberos client credential cache (CC) and the ability to use Windows logon credentials as Kerberos client credentials. The latter is called MSLSA-based Kerberos authentication.
In order to utilize a file based Kerberos client credential cache (CC), the following executables associated with the full Oracle Call Interface (OCI) install are needed:
The executables are required in order to acquire the Kerberos5 credentials and store them in the file based credential cache (CC). However, after credential cache creation, as long as the credentials remain valid, the above executables are then unneeded by the ODP.NET application at run-time.
ODP.NET, Managed Driver Dependency on MIT Kerberos
To use Kerberos5 database authentication in conjunction with ODP.NET, Managed Driver, download and install MIT Kerberos for Windows 4.0.1 on the same machine as ODP.NET, Managed Driver from the following location:
See Also:
Configuring Kerberos Authentication in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about Kerberos and configuration with Oracle database.
Configuring Kerberos Authentication with ODP.NET
Please reference the following "key" when viewing the below Kerberos configuration examples:
= Kerberos/Windows Domain user ID used by the Oracle database client program to represent the Oracle Client user on the domain -
= Kerberos/Windows Domain user ID used by the Oracle database server -
= Kerberos/Windows domain -
= Oracle database server machine hostname -
= Kerberos service name -
= hostname for Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) and Windows Domain Controller
Configuring Kerberos Authentication Topics:
Step 1. Update Windows services file to include a "kerberos5" entry
Step 2. Create client and server Kerberos users (Windows domain users for MSLSA)
Step 4. Confirm the mapping of server user to service principal
Step 5. Setup server sqlnet.ora to point to the keytab file generated in step 2
Step 8. Point the client sqlnet.ora or .NET config to a credential cache file or to MSLSA
Step 1. Update Windows services file to include a "kerberos5" entry
Change the Kerberos entry in the Windows service file (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services
) from:
kerberos 88/tcp krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos
kerberos 88/tcp kerberos5 krb5 kerberos-sec #Kerberos
Step 2. Create client and server Kerberos users (Windows domain users for MSLSA)
As noted in the above "key", we will use oracleclient
and oracleserver
as our client and server Kerberos user IDs, respectively.
ODP.NET supports MSLSA using Windows domain users which have the following attributes:
"Kerberos DES" unchecked
"Kerberos AES 128 bit" checked
"Kerberos AES 256 bit" checked
"Kerberos preauthentication not required" checked
Step 3. Associate the DB server's Kerberos principal name with the DB server's Kerberos Service (SPN mapping) and generate the server keytab file
Run the following commands on the Kerberos KDC (Windows Domain Controller for MSLSA) as an administrator:
> ktpass -princ kerberos_service_name/ /crypto all /mapuser oracleserver@DOMAIN.COMPANY.COM /pass <oracleserver password> /out v5srvtab > setspn -A kerberos_service_name/ oracleserver
Step 4. Confirm the mapping of server user to service principal
Also on the Kerberos KDC, run the following command, noting the output:
> setspn -L oracleserver Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=oracleserver,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=company,DC=com: kerberos_service_name/ kerberos_service_name/
Step 5. Setup server sqlnet.ora to point to the keytab file generated in step 2
Add the following line to the server sqlnet.ora
sqlnet.kerberos5_keytab = c:\krb\v5srvtab
Step 6. Create a kerberos configuration file that points to the Kerberos KDC (Windows Domain Controller for MSLSA)
An example kerberos configuration file (krb.conf
Step 7. Configure the Oracle database client and server sqlnet.ora or .NET config to point to the above Kerberos configuration file
Edit the client or server sqlnet.ora
to include:
sqlnet.kerberos5_conf = C:\krb\krb.conf
Or edit the client application config to include (in the settings section):
<setting name="sqlnet.kerberos5_conf" value="C:\krb\krb.conf" />
Step 8. Point the client sqlnet.ora or .NET config to a credential cache file or to MSLSA
Example pointing to Credential Cache file:
sqlnet.kerberos5_cc_name = c:\krb\
Example pointing to MSLSA:
sqlnet.kerberos5_cc_name = MSLSA:
Step 9. Set the client and server authentication services in the sqlnet.ora or .NET config to Kerberos5
Step 10. Setup an externally authenticated database user that matches the Kerberos client user setup in step 1 (note the case)
create user "ORACLECLIENT@DOMAIN.COMPANY.COM" identified externally; grant connect, create session to "ORACLECLIENT@DOMAIN.COMPANY.COM";
Step 11. Login to the client machine via the Windows Domain client user (for MSLSA) or perform an okinit to authenticate the client Kerberos user (for file based CC):
okinit oracleclient
Step 12. Run the ODP.NET application
After configuring the client and server, the last 2 steps are the only steps required on an ongoing basis to run the ODP.NET application.
A Microsoft Visual C Run-Time Library (MSVCRT.DLL) bug can cause ODP.NET, Managed Driver's setting of the Kerberos5 configuration to be ignored by the Microsoft run-time. In such a case, you will encounter the error message:
OracleInternal.Network.NetworkException (0x80004005): NA Kerberos5: Authentication handshake failure at stage: krb5_sname_to_principal: default realm not found. Please set SQLNET.Kerberos5_conf.
To workaround this error, manually set
in the ODP.NET application's run-time environment to point to the Kerberos5 configuration file pointed to bySQLNET.Kerberos5_conf
. For example,set KRB5_CONFIG=c:\oracle\network\admin\krb5.ini
See Also:
Configuring Kerberos Authentication in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about Kerberos and configuration with Oracle database.
Using Windows Native Authentication (NTS)
With the Windows native authentication adapter, Oracle users can authenticate to the database using just their Windows user login credentials. It provides a way to enable single sign-on and to simplify user and role credential management. Windows native authentication is also known as Windows Native authentication (NTS).
ODP.NET Core supports Windows Native Authentication on Windows only
Due to a limitation in the Microsoft .NET APIs, ODP.NET, Managed Driver only supports Windows Native authentication (NTS) via Microsoft NT LAN Manager (NTLM) instead of Kerberos-based credentials. Normally, this limitation would be invisible to the ODP.NET, Managed Driver application, since the Windows domain and the Oracle database server will transparently support both NTLM and Kerberos domain credentials by default.
Configuring Windows Native Authentication (NTS) for the ODP.NET Client
Steps in configuring the NTS for the ODP.NET Client:
Step 1. Ensure OSAUTH_PREFIX_DOMAIN is set correctly
is set appropriately. If you desire the externally identified user ID to include the domain, set it to true, otherwise false. The parameter is a registry setting that can be found at HKLM/software/oracle/HOME<ORACLE_SID>.
For example, if your ORACLE_SID
is r1
, it is located at HKLM/software/oracle/HOMEr1
Step 2. Setup the externally identified database user
If you set the parameter to true in Step 1, use the following commands to setup the externally identified database user associated with the desired Windows domain user:
create user "MYDOMAIN\MYUSER" identified externally; grant connect, create session to "MYDOMAIN\MYUSER";
Step 3. Setup the client configuration to utilize NTS as the authentication methodology
Edit the client sqlnet.ora or app config to add NTS to the sqlnet.authentication_services
. For example.
sqlnet.authentication_services = (NTS)
After configuring the client and server, the last 2 steps are the only steps required on an ongoing basis to run the ODP.NET application.
See Also:
Authenticating Database Users with Windows in Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows for Windows for more information about Windows native authentication.
Operating System Authentication Credentials
Oracle Database can use Windows user login credentials to authenticate database users. To open a connection using Windows user login credentials, the User
connection string attribute must be set to a slash (/)
. If the Password
attribute is provided, it is ignored.
Operating system authentication is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.
ODP.NET Core supports operating system authentication for Windows only.
All ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver connections, including those using operating system authentication, can be pooled. ODP.NET, Managed Driver supports operating system authentication, except when the Windows domain is constrained to only support Kerberos-based domain authentication. Connections are pooled by default, and no configuration is required, as long as pooling is enabled.
The following example shows the use of operating system authentication:
/* Create an OS-authenticated user in the database Assume init.ora has OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX set to "" and <OS_USER> is any valid OS or DOMAIN user. create user <OS_USER> identified externally; grant connect, resource to <OS_USER>; Login through OS Authentication and execute the sample. See Oracle documentation for details on how to configure an OS-Authenticated user */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class OSAuthenticationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Establish connection using OS Authentication con.ConnectionString = "User Id=/;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }
See Also:
Oracle Database Administrator’s Reference for Microsoft Windows for information on how to set up Oracle Database to authenticate database users using Windows user login credentials
Network Data Encryption and Integrity
ODP.NET enables data encryption and integrity over a network for both intranet and cloud deployments. This ensures that data is disguised to all, except authorized users, and guarantees the original message contents are not altered. In earlier releases, these features were known as Oracle Advanced Security Option (ASO) encryption. Starting with Oracle Database 12c, Oracle ASO is not required to use network data encryption and data integrity.
Using Data Encryption
Managed and unmanaged ODP.NET support the following encryption standards and algorithms:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
AES 128-bit
AES 192-bit
AES 256-bit
Triple-DES (3DES)
ODP.NET, Managed Driver uses the following settings to configure network encryption:
See Also:
settings section for definition and information on usage.
Using Data Integrity
Managed and unmanaged ODP.NET support the following data integrity algorithms:
See Also:
For more information on network encryption and integrity or configuring them for ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver, refer to the Oracle Database Security Guide.
To configure network encryption or data integrity in ODP.NET, Managed Driver, refer to the
settings in "Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Configuration." On the database server machine, you will likely have to configure theSQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_SERVER
parameters in thesqlnet.ora
Schema Discovery
ADO.NET exposes five different types of metadata collections through the OracleConnection.GetSchema
API. This permits application developers to customize metadata retrieval on an individual-application basis, for any Oracle data source. Thus, developers can build a generic set of code to manage metadata from multiple data sources.
The following types of metadata are exposed:
A list of metadata collections that is available from the data source, such as tables, columns, indexes, and stored procedures.
The restrictions that apply to each metadata collection, restricting the scope of the requested schema information.
Information about the instance of the database that is currently being used, such as product name and version.
A set of information about each data type that the database supports.
Reserved words for the Oracle query language.
See Also:
User Customization of Metadata
ODP.NET provides a comprehensive set of database schema information. Developers can extend or customize the metadata that is returned by the GetSchema
method on an individual application basis.
To do this, developers must create a customized metadata file and provide the file name to the application as follows:
Create a customized metadata file and put it in the
subdirectory where the .NET framework is installed. This is the directory that containsmachine.config
and the security configuration settings.This file must contain the entire set of schema configuration information, not just the changes. Developers provide changes that modify the behavior of the schema retrieval to user-specific requirements. For instance, a developer can filter out internal database tables and just retrieve user-specific tables
Add an entry in the
file of the application, similar to the following, to provide the name of the metadata file, in name-value pair format.<oracle.dataaccess.client> <settings> <add name="MetaDataXml" value="CustomMetaData.xml" /> </settings> </oracle.dataaccess.client>
When the GetSchema
method is called, ODP.NET checks the app.config
file for the name of the customized metadata XML file. First, the GetSchema
method searches for an entry in the file with a element named after the provider, in this example, oracle.dataaccess.client
. In this XML element, the value that corresponds to the name MetaDataXml
is the name of the customized XML file, in this example, CustomMetaData.xml
If the metadata file is not in the correct directory, then the application loads the default metadata XML file, which is part of ODP.NET.
See Also:
Connection Pooling
ODP.NET connection pooling is enabled and disabled using the Pooling
connection string attribute. By default, connection pooling is enabled. The following are ConnectionString
attributes that control the behavior of the connection pooling service:
Connection Pooling Example
The following example opens a connection using ConnectionString
attributes related to connection pooling.
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ConnectionPoolingSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Open a connection using ConnectionString attributes //related to connection pooling. con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;" + "Min Pool Size=10;Connection Lifetime=100000;Connection Timeout=60;" + "Incr Pool Size=5; Decr Pool Size=2"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connection pool successfully created"); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Connection is placed back into the pool."); } }
Using Connection Pooling
When connection pooling is enabled (the default), the Open
and Close
methods of the OracleConnection
object implicitly use the connection pooling service, which is responsible for pooling and returning connections to the application.
The connection pooling service creates connection pools by using the ConnectionString
property as a signature, to uniquely identify a pool.
In managed and Core versions of ODP.NET, connection strings themselves must be an exact match in their entirety. If keywords are supplied in a different order or a space is added to the connection string, a new pool is created. If a pool already exists with the requested signature, a connection is returned to the application from that pool.
In unmanaged ODP.NET, a new pool is created only when connection string attribute values change. Extra spaces or changing keyword order do not create a new pool.
When a connection pool is created, the connection pooling service initially creates the number of connections defined by the Min
attribute of the ConnectionString
property. This number of connections is always maintained by the connection pooling service for the connection pool, except when Fast Connection Failover removes invalid connections is exceeded. In this case, the connection number could drop below the Min Pool Size. ODP.NET would then attempt to restore the minimum pool size level upon the next connection request.
At any given time, these connections are in use by the application or are available in the pool.
The Incr
attribute of the ConnectionString
property defines the number of new connections to be created by the connection pooling service when more connections are needed in the connection pool.
When the application closes a connection, the connection pooling service determines whether or not the connection lifetime has exceeded the value of the Connection Lifetime
attribute. If so, the connection pooling service destroys the connection; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool. The connection pooling service enforces the Connection Lifetime
only when Close()
or Dispose()
is invoked.
The Max
attribute of the ConnectionString
property sets the maximum number of connections for a connection pool. If a new connection is requested, but no connections are available and the limit for Max
has been reached, then the connection pooling service waits for the time defined by the Connection
attribute. If the Connection
time has been reached, and there are still no connections available in the pool, the connection pooling service raises an exception indicating that the connection pool request has timed-out. Upon a connection timeout, ODP.NET distinguishes whether the timeout occurred due to the database server failing to deliver a connection in the allotted time or no connection being available in the pool due to the maximum pool size having been reached. The exception text returned will either be "Connection request timed out" in the case of the former or "Pooled connection request timed out" in the case of the latter.
The Validate
attribute validates connections coming out of the pool. This attribute should be used only when absolutely necessary, because it causes a round-trip to the database to validate each connection immediately before it is provided to the application. If invalid connections are uncommon, developers can create their own exception/error handler to retrieve and validate a new connection, rather than using the Validate
attribute. This generally provides better performance.
The connection pooling service closes connections when they are not used; connections are closed every 3 minutes. The Decr
attribute of the ConnectionString
property provides connection pooling service for the maximum number of connections that can be closed every 3 minutes.
Enabling connection pooling by setting "pooling=true"
in the connection string (which is the case by default) will also pool operating system authenticated connections.
Connection Pool Management
ODP.NET connection pool management provides explicit connection pool control to ODP.NET applications. Applications can explicitly clear connections in a connection pool.
Using connection pool management, applications can do the following:
These APIs are not supported in a .NET stored procedure.
Clear connections from connection pools using the
method. -
Clear connections in all the connection pools in an application domain, using the
See Also:
Connection Performance Counters
Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET creates a set of performance counters on the target system. All ODP.NET provider types (Core, managed, and unmanaged) publish these performance counters for each of their client applications. These performance counters can be viewed using Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon) or the PerformanceCounter
class in the System.Diagnostics
namespace version 4.5.0 or higher.
ODP.NET performance counters are available on Windows platforms only.
As ODP.NET performance counters are not enabled nor registered after installation, administrators must register the counters, then enable the specific counters of interest before being able to monitor them.
Registering Performance Counters
After installation, ODP.NET performance counters must be registered so that tools, such as Perfmon
, can consume them. Registration requires running a PowerShell script for the respective provider.
ODP.NET installs six scripts for counters that must be run from PowerShell to take effect
– Registers ODP.NET Core counters -
– Registers managed ODP.NET counters -
– Registers unmanaged ODP.NET counters -
– Unregisters ODP.NET Core counters -
– Unregisters managed ODP.NET counters -
– Unregisters unmanaged ODP.NET counters
These scripts are located in the ORACLE_HOME\\PerfCounters
directory for Oracle Universal Installer and NuGet deployments, in the <INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>\\PerfCounters
directory for xcopy deployments, and <VISUAL_STUDIO_SOLUTION_DIRECTORY>\packages\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.<VERSION>\PerfCounters
directory for MSI deployments.
Windows Administrator privileges are required when running these PowerShell scripts.
To unregister, run the unregister PowerShell script that matches the ODP.NET provider type you wish to unregister.
Previously, the OraProvCfg.exe
utility was included with ODP.NET for registering and unregistering counters. These PowerShell scripts replace the utility. If you registered ODP.NET counters with this utility, then unregister with the same OraProvCfg.exe
Enabling Performance Counters
ODP.NET enables monitoring many different connection counters, including pooled and non-pooled connections. These counters can be monitored individually or together. Developers can set which counters to monitor prior to application startup using the PerformanceCounters setting in the <settings>
section of the .NET config file, which is available in managed and unmanaged ODP.NET, or Windows Registry, which is available in unmanaged ODP.NET only. For ODP.NET Core, developers can set the OracleConfiguration.PerformanceCounters
Table 3-3 lists the connection performance counters with their setting values.
Table 3-3 Performance Counters for Connection Pooling
Performance Counter | Valid Values | Description |
None |
Not enabled (Default) |
Number of sessions being established with the Oracle Database every second. |
Number of sessions being severed from the Oracle Database every second. |
Number of active connections originating from connection pools every second. |
Number of active connections going back to the connection pool every second. |
Total number of active connection pools. |
Number of inactive connection pools. |
Total number of connections in use. |
Total number of connections available for use in all the connection pools. |
Total number of pooled active and free connections. |
Number of non-pooled active connections. |
Number of connections which were garbage-collected implicitly. |
No operation. This counter is no longer supported. |
These settings are bitwise ORed in order to monitor more than one counter. For example, to collect counters for SoftConnectsPerSecond (4)
, Soft DisconnectsPerSecond (8)
, and NumberOfActiveConnectionPools (16)
, set PerformanceCounters
to 28
(i.e. 4 + 8 + 12).
Setting Performance Counters in .NET Configuration Files
Performance counters can be set using an .NET configuration file, such as web.config
or app.config
, in managed and unmanaged ODP.NET only. Since .NET configuration entries take precedence over Windows Registry settings, they can be used for a specific application.
As earlier described, populating the PerformanceCounters
setting in the <settings>
section enables individual performance counters to be monitored. Windows Perfmon uses very long and not easily human readable application instance names. To make identifying each application easier administrators can assign an identifier name in the <connectionPools>
section of the .NET configuration file. This section supports the following settings:
: This setting identifies the connections or pool to monitor using the connection string as the unique identifier. The connection string entered here must match the target connection string to be monitored, but without the password attribute. -
(optional): Connection strings can be very long and hard to read with many that look similar.poolName
allows using an arbitrary string to easily identify which pool is being monitored.
The following examples show how to use these settings.
ODP.NET, Managed Driver
<oracle.manageddataaccess.client> <version number="*"> <connectionPools> . . <connectionPool connectionString="[connection string without password]" poolName="[Pool Name]"> </connectionPool> . . </connectionPools> </version> </oracle.manageddataaccess.client>
ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver can use the same pool name setting and format as listed above by replacing the <oracle.manageddataaccess.client
> tags with <oracle.unmanageddataaccess.client
> tags. Alternatively, the legacy <oracle.dataaccess.client
> format is available for unmanaged ODP.NET.
ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver
<configuration> <oracle.dataaccess.client> <settings> . . <add name="[connection string without password]" value="connectionPool name='[Pool Name]'"/> . . </settings> </oracle.dataaccess.client> </configuration>
Setting Performance Counters in Windows Registry
Publication of individual unmanaged ODP.NET performance counters is enabled or disabled using the Windows Registry value PerformanceCounters
of type REG_SZ
. This registry value is under:
where Assembly_Version
is the full assembly version number of Oracle.DataAccess.dll
Similarly to the .NET config file, multiple performance counters can be obtained by adding the valid values. For example, if PerformanceCounters
is set to 3, then both HardConnectsPerSecond
and HardDisconnectsPerSecond
are enabled.
Publishing Performance Counters
Commonly, ODP.NET performance counters are monitored using Perfmon. The counters are published under the following Category Names:
ODP.NET, Core Driver
ODP.NET, Managed Driver
ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver
Administrators can choose the individual ODP.NET counters to monitor after selecting one or more of these categories. PerfMon shows all ODP.NET counters, but only the explicitly enabled counters generate statistics.
After choosing the counters to monitor, administrators then select the running instance(s) to monitor. ODP.NET instances must be actively running for them to appear in PerfMon. Otherwise, no instances will appear available to monitor. After instance selection occurs, they are added to PerfMon as counters to monitor.
Performance counters can monitor at the application domain, pool, or database instance level. Database instance level monitoring only applies if load balancing or Fast Connection Failover features are enabled.
The instance name format is as follows:
<Application Domain Name> [<Process Id>, <Application Domain Id>][<Connection String/Pool Name>][<Instance Name>]
. The entry is limited to 127 characters. There is a restriction length on every field in the instance name. The following table shows the maximum number of characters allocated for each field:
Table 3-4 Field Names of Performance Counters and Maximum Number of Characters
Field Name | Maximum Number of Characters |
Application Domain |
40 |
Pool Name/Connection String |
70 |
Database Instance Name |
16 |
When the length of a field value exceeds the length limit, the string is truncated and appended with "...
" to fit within the length limit and indicate the continuation. For example, for a given application called Program.exe
with a connection string user id=hr;Password=<password>;data source=inst1;max pool size=125;min pool size=50
, one may see the following similar to the following for a process that has two application domains:
Program.exe [123, 1]
Program.exe [123, 1][ user id=hr;data source=inst1;max pool siz...]
Program.exe [123, 1][ user id=hr;data source=inst1;max pool siz...] [instA]
Domain 2[123, 2]
Domain 2[123, 2][ user id=hr;data source=inst1;max pool siz...]
Domain 2[123, 2][ user id=hr;data source=inst1;max pool siz...] [instB]
Domain 2[123, 2][ user id=hr;data source=inst1;max pool siz...] [instC]
Since connection pool attributes can be similar in their first 70 characters, applications can set a Pool Name to uniquely identify each one in the monitoring tool. For example, when using Pool Name, the process will show up as follows:
Domain 2[123, 2][Pool Name][instC]
Database Resident Connection Pooling
Client side connection pooling can be very efficient for middle tier machines. However, it can consume a great deal of database server resources if there are numerous middle tier servers with idle connections. While the intent is to keep the number of idle connections to a minimum, it becomes difficult as the number of middle tier servers increase, each possibly having idle connections that cannot be shared across applications.
Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) is intended to optimize resource usage by pooling connections at the database server level, which can then be shared across many applications. The benefit is better scalability and lower resource usage at the database server level.
Managed and unmanaged ODP.NET have been enhanced to support DRCP, which allows it to dispense and release DRCP connections to better utilize database server resources.
About DRCP
DRCP pools server processes, each of which is the equivalent to a dedicated server process and database session combined. These are called pooled servers. Pooled servers can be shared by multiple applications running on the same or multiple hosts.
When DRCP is configured for Oracle Database Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), the pool configuration is applied to each database instance. Starting or stopping the pool on one instance starts or stops the pool on all instances.
DRCP is a server side pool that complements ODP.NET client side pooling. These two pools can be used together.
In a typical dedicated server mode, client side connection pooling saves both on server round trips and socket/session creation. In a connection open/close sequence, a server round trip is involved only upon the first Open()
. For subsequent open/close sequences on the same connection, no client to server interaction is required because the connection is pooled locally in the client address space.
With DRCP enabled, when the client creates a connection, the connection is assigned a pooled server when needed. When the connection is closed, the database server releases the DRCP server session back to the server side pool, effectively making the DRCP server session available for reuse. This server session can be reused by the same pool or a different pool on the same or different middle tier hosts.
Configuring DRCP and ODP.NET
The following section describe how DRCP can be configured on the client side and the server side.
Configuring DRCP on the Client Side
ODP.NET developers can enable DRCP on the client side by using
in the connect descriptor.Sample Descriptor:
Configuring DRCP on the Server Side
Oracle database includes a default connection pool called
. By default, this pool is created, but not started. To enable database resident connection pooling, you must explicitly start the connection pool.You must be a database administrator (DBA) and must log on as
For DRCP connections to be shared across multiple client-side ODP.NET connection pools, then set the
property to a string value before opening the ODP.NET connection. ODP.NET will first try to obtain an idle connection with the same DRCP connection class property value. If it does not find one, then it will create a new connection instead.
Example 3-1 Using Database Resident Connection Pooling: Sample Code
// This application uses the following connect descriptor:
// oracle = (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<hostname>)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<service name>)(SERVER=POOLED)))
using System;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
class DRCP
static void Main()
string constr = “user id=hr;password=hr;data source=oracle";
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
con.DRCPConnectionClass = "GroupA";
To use DRCP with ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver,:
the .NET configuration setting,
, must be set to2.0
, or, -
not set at all, but have(SERVER=POOLED)
in the TNS full descriptor that is used by the application.
Refer to settings section for more information.
See Also:
Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information on configuring the default connection pool or end pool.
DRCP for Oracle Multitenant
DRCP cannot be created on the PDB. DRCP can only be created on the CDB and is shared among all the PDBs.
ODP.NET has one DRCP for the entire CDB and it can be configured and managed (start, stop, or reconfigure) only by connecting to root container.
To configure, set a session to point to the CDB and start the DRCP pool. For example:
alter session set container = cdb$root;
execute dbms_connection_pool.configure_pool('SYS_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL');
execute dbms_connection_pool.start_pool();
DRCP for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
In an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment, when a user creates a DRCP on an instance, that DRCP is replicated on all the instances of an Oracle RAC database and you can use any instance to manage the connection pool. Any changes you make to the pool configuration are applicable on all Oracle RAC instances.
DRCP Restrictions for ODP.NET
ODP.NET does not support the following features with DRCP:
Open the proxy connection with end user authentication
Open the
connection -
Open using
Set the
parameter value tonts
, which enables Microsoft Windows native operating system authentication -
.NET Framework versions earlier than .NET Framework 4
Oracle Multitenant and Pluggable Databases
Oracle Database 12c introduced Oracle Multitenant, which enables an Oracle database to contain a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects that appears to ODP.NET as a separate database. This self-contained collection is called a pluggable database (PDB).
Oracle Multitenant is a database architecture that enables customers to easily consolidate multiple pluggable databases without changing their application. This architecture delivers all the benefits of managing many databases as one, yet retains the isolation and resource prioritization of separate databases. In addition, Oracle Multitenant enables rapid provisioning and upgrades, and fully complements other Oracle database options.
Managed and unmanaged ODP.NET fully support Oracle Multitenant. In addition to being able to connect to individual pluggable databases, ODP.NET has been enhanced so that applications can request and obtain connections to specific PDBs from the same connection pool. The application can connect to any of the PDBs that are part of the same container database (CDB) and they must have the same common user. Moreover, if connections span multiple instances, such as with Oracle Real Application Clusters, then every instance must uniformly have the same exact PDBs and services for the common user to connect to. If these conditions are met, then ODP.NET will be able to connect to or implicitly switch connections from one PDB to another within the same pool in a highly performant manner.
To obtain a connection to a specific PDB (as a common user) set the OracleConnections
properties, PDBName
and ServiceName
, and then call OracleConnection.Open()
to obtain the a connection to the specified PDB and Service name. PDBName
and ServiceName
identify the PDB and service that the connection needs to be established to or switched to if using an existing idle connection from the connection pool. They are the pluggable database name and database service name, respectively. If only the PDBName
property is set and the service name is not set by the user, then the provider will return a connection that uses the default (administrative) service.
For ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver to be able to switch PDB connections within the same pool:
the .NET configuration setting,
, must be set to2.0
, or, -
not set at all, but setPDBName
to a non-null/non-empty value for the first connection request for a given connection string.
Refer to settings section for more information.
Example 3-2 Using Pluggable Database: Sample Code
// C#
using System;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
class PDB
static void Main()
string constr = “user id=hr;password=hr;data source=oracle”;
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
con.PDBName = "pdb1";
con.ServiceName = "";
ODP.NET keeps track of the PDBName
and ServiceName
to which the pooled connections are established to. Upon the application requesting for a connection with a specified PDBName
and ServiceName
, ODP.NET will return a connections that matches that request. However, if a matching connection is not found, ODP.NET will create a new connection and/or alter the session to switch to the requested PDBName
and ServiceName
. If the PDBName
and/or ServiceName
has been altered, then the SwitchedConnection
property will return true if called with the Open()
method invocation.
ODP.NET does not support usage of the ALTER SESSION
statement to modify the container database during the lifetime of a process. If using PDBs with Oracle Continuous Query Notification, you must connect to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 or higher. Hosting connections to multiple PDBs from the same pool requires ODP.NET for .NET Framework 4 or higher.
When the connection is implicitly being switched from one PDB/Service to another, Service Relocation Connection Timeout(SRCT) will not take effect.See Also:
Managing Pluggable Databases in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide
Edition-Based Redefinition
Edition-based redefinition enables you to upgrade the database component of an application even while the application is being used. This minimizes or eliminates downtime for the application.
ODP.NET does not support usage of the ALTER SESSION
statement to modify the Edition during the lifetime of a process.
Managed and unmanaged ODP.NET can connect to a database edition, and also have the ability to host connections to multiple Editions from within the same pool. An ODP.NET application can obtain a connection that is associated with a specified database edition by setting the OracleConnection.DatabaseEditionName
property to the name of the database edition that the connection should be associated with. To use a single pool, the same user must be able to connect to both Editions. Applications will perform better and more efficiently when using Editions because ODP.NET can use the same connection pool and even share the same OracleConnection
object by only changing Edition-specific properties.
Example 3-3 Using Edition-Based Redefinition: Sample Code
using System;
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;
class Editions
static void Main()
// Create a connection
string constr = “user id=hr;password=hr;data source=oracle”;
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
// Obtain a connection associated with EditionX
con.DatabaseEditionName = "EditionX";
// Obtain a connection associated with EditionY
con.DatabaseEditionName = "EditionY";
Changing the edition name through DatabaseEditionName
while the connection is open is not allowed. It must be changed while the connection is in a closed state.
ODP.NET supports Editions when connecting to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 or later. Hosting multiple Editions in the same pool is available only in ODP.NET for .NET Framework 4 and above.
To use this Edition-Based Redefinition feature with unmanaged ODP.NET connection pools:
the .NET configuration setting,
, must be set to2.0
, or, -
not set at all, but set theDatabaseEditionName
property to a non-null/non-empty value for the first connection request for a given connection string.
Refer to settings section for more information.
Applications can specify an Edition at deployment time using the registry or configuration file. An application can create the following registry entry of type REG_SZ
Here version
is the version of ODP.NET, and Edition
is a valid Edition string value.
An application can alternatively use the web.config
or application.config
configuration file to specify the Edition at deployment time. The machine.config
configuration file can be used to specify the Edition for all applications that use a particular version of the .NET framework.
The following example sets the Edition to E1
in a .NET configuration file for ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <oracle.dataaccess.client> <settings> <add name="Edition" value="E1"/> </settings> </oracle.dataaccess.client> </configuration>
To summarize, the Edition name can be set by the DatabaseEditionName
property, in the .NET configuration file, or in the Windows Registry. If DatabaseEditionName
is set, then it takes precedence over the other two settings. If the .NET configuration file has an Edition set, then it takes precedence over the registry.
See Also:
For more information on Editions refer to the Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide and Oracle Database Development Guide
Privileged Connections
Oracle allows database administrators to connect to Oracle Database with various privileges, such as SYSDBA
. This is done through the DBA
attribute of the ConnectionString
The following example connects scott
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class PrivilegedConnectionSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); //Connect scott/tiger as SYSDBA con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }
See Also:
DBA Privilege "Table 7-47" for further information on privileged connections in the database
Connection Pooling with OracleCredential
To better secure passwords, all ODP.NET applications can use OracleCredential
to store user names and passwords outside of the connection string. OracleCredential
mitigates the possibility of exposing user credentials in a page file swap or in a crash dump.
can be used with or without connection pooling.
When using the OracleCredential
object, one should be aware of the connection pool algorithm that has been modified to take this new feature into consideration, when opening connection to the Oracle database. With earlier implementations of ODP.NET connection pool algorithm, the uniqueness of connection string attribute values were used to decide if a new connection pool needs to be created or an existing connection pool can be used to dispense connections. But with the introduction of OracleCredential
, the reference of this object is also used to decide which connection pool that OracleConnection
object is associated with.
The decision to create a new connection pool now depends on two factors, first is the uniqueness of connection string (as in earlier releases) and the second is the reference comparison of the OracleCredential
provided to the OracleConnection
object while opening a new connection. If either of these is different, a separate pool is used.
Here is an example to clarify the new algorithm:
using System; using System.Security; using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client; //using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class Test { static void Main() { string connStr1 = "user id=hr; password=hr; data source=oracle"; string connStr2 = "data source=oracle"; SecureString secPwd = new SecureString(); secPwd.AppendChar('h'); secPwd.AppendChar('r'); secPwd.MakeReadOnly(); OracleCredential oc1 = new OracleCredential("hr", secPwd); OracleCredential oc2 = new OracleCredential("hr", secPwd); OracleCredential oc3 = new OracleCredential("hr", secPwd); // con1 and con2 are associated with the same connection pool since both are using the same // connection string and OracleCredential remains null in both cases. OracleConnection con1 = new OracleConnection(connStr1); OracleConnection con2 = new OracleConnection(connStr1, null); // con3 and con4 use the same connection string but different OracleCredential objects // (although same contents) so they are associated with different connection pools. OracleConnection con3 = new OracleConnection(connStr2, oc1); OracleConnection con4 = new OracleConnection(connStr2, oc2); // con5 and con6 use the same connection string and same OracleCredential object // so they are associated with the same connection pool. OracleConnection con5 = new OracleConnection(connStr2, oc3); OracleConnection con6 = new OracleConnection(connStr2, oc3); // Open the connections con1.Open(); con2.Open(); con3.Open(); con4.Open(); con5.Open(); con6.Open(); // Please note that con1 and con2 use the same connection pool. // In addition, con3 and con4 use different connection pools // And lastly con5 and con6 use the same connection pool. // Thus, in the end, there will be 4 different connection pools created in total. } }
does not support double quotes around a SecureString
password. Double quotes can be used within a password, however.
See Also:
Password Expiration
Oracle allows users passwords to expire. ODP.NET lets applications handle the password expiration by providing a new method, OpenWithNewPassword
, that opens the connection with a new password.
The following example uses the OracleConnection
method to connect with a new password of panther
/* Database Setup connect / as sysdba; drop user testexpire cascade; -- create user "testexpire" with password "testexpire" grant connect , resource to testexpire identified by testexpire; alter user testexpire password expire; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class PasswordExpirationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); try { con.ConnectionString = "User Id=testexpire;Password=testexpire;Data Source=oracle"; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); } catch (OracleException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //check the error number //ORA-28001 : the password has expired if (ex.Number == 28001) { Console.WriteLine("\nChanging password to panther"); con.OpenWithNewPassword("panther"); Console.WriteLine("Connected with new password."); } } finally { // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } } }
method should be used only when the user password has expired, not for changing the password. -
If connection pooling is enabled, then invoking the
method also clears the connection pool. This closes all idle connections created with the old password.
See Also:
Proxy Authentication
With proper setup in the database, proxy authentication enables middle-tier applications to control the security by preserving database user identities and privileges, and auditing actions taken on behalf of these users. This is accomplished by creating and using a proxy database user that connects and authenticates against the database on behalf of a database user (that is, the real user) or database users.
Proxy authentication can then be used to provide better scalability with connection pooling. When connection pooling is used in conjunction with proxy authentication, the proxy authenticated connections can be shared among different real users. This is because only the connection and session established for the proxy is cached. An additional session is created for the real user when a proxy authenticated connection is requested, but it will be destroyed appropriately when the proxy authenticated connection is placed back into the pool. This design enables the application to scale well without sacrificing security.
ODP.NET applications can use proxy authentication by setting the "Proxy
and "Proxy
attributes in the connection string. The real user is specified by the "User
attribute. Optionally, to enforce greater security, the real user's password can be provided through the "Password"
connection string attribute. When using distributed transactions in conjunction with proxy authentication, the real user's password is no longer optional, and it must be supplied.
The following example illustrates the use of ODP.NET proxy authentication:
/* Log on as DBA (SYS or SYSTEM) that has CREATE USER privilege. Create a proxy user and modified scott to allow proxy connection. create user appserver identified by eagle; grant connect, resource to appserver; alter user scott grant connect through appserver; */ // C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class ProxyAuthenticationSample { static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); // Connecting using proxy authentication con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;" + "Data Source=oracle;Proxy User Id=appserver;Proxy Password=eagle; "; con.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to Oracle" + con.ServerVersion); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected"); } }
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for the description and syntax of the proxy clause for the
statement -
Oracle Database Security Guide for information about how auditing works for SQL statements and privileges in a multitier environment
Dynamic Distributed Transaction Enlistment
For those applications that dynamically enlist in distributed transactions through the EnlistDistributedTransaction
of the OracleConnection
object, the "Enlist"
connection string attribute must be set to a value of "true"
. If "Enlist=true"
, the connection enlists in a transaction when the Open
method is called on the OracleConnection
object, if it is within the context of a COM+ transaction or a System.Transactions
. If not, the OracleConnection
object does not enlist in a distributed transaction, but it can later enlist explicitly using the EnlistDistributedTransaction
or the EnlistTransaction
method. If "Enlist
" is equal to "false
" or "dynamic
", the connection cannot enlist in the transaction. ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver in ODAC 12c Release 3 first introduced this new behavior for "Enlist=dynamic
See Also:
Client Identifier and End-to-End Tracing
The client identifier is a predefined attribute from the Oracle application context namespace USERENV
. It is similar to proxy authentication because it can enable tracking of user identities. However, client identifier does not require the creation of two sessions (one for the proxy user and another for the end user) as proxy authentication does. In addition, the client identifier does not have to be a database user. It can be set to any string. But most importantly, by using client identifier, ODP.NET developers can use application context and Oracle Label Security, and configure Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) more easily. To set the client identifier, ODP.NET applications can set the ClientId
property on the OracleConnection
object after opening a connection. If connection pooling is enabled in unmanaged ODP.NET, then the ClientId
is reset to null whenever a connection is placed back into the pool. In managed ODP.NET, the ClientId
is reset to null (assuming no new value is provided) upon the first database round trip after a connection is placed back into the pool.
The client identifier can also be used for end-to-end application tracing. End-to-end tracing simplifies the process of diagnosing performance problems in multitier environments. In multitier environments, a request from an end client is routed to different database sessions by the middle tier making it difficult to track a client across different database sessions. End-to-end tracing uses the client identifier to uniquely trace a specific end-client through all tiers to the database server.
ODP.NET exposes the ActionName, ClientId,
and ModuleName
write-only properties on the OracleConnection
object. These properties correspond to the following end-to-end tracing attributes:
- Specifies an action, such as anINSERT
operation, in a module -
- Specifies an end user based on the logon ID, such asHR.HR
- Specifies user session information -
- Specifies a functional block, such as Accounts Receivable or General Ledger, of an application
See Also:
Oracle Database SQL Tuning Guide for an overview of End-to-End Application Tracing
Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Callback Support
Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is a feature in Oracle Database that provides high availability.
ODP.NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET Core do not support TAF nor TAF callbacks.
TAF enables an application connection to automatically reconnect to another database instance if the connection gets severed. Active transactions roll back, but the new database connection, made by way of a different node, is identical to the original. This is true regardless of how the connection fails.
With TAF, a client notices no loss of connection as long as there is one instance left serving the application. The database administrator controls which applications run on which instances, and also creates a failover order for each application.
When a session fails over to another database, the NLS settings that were initially set on the original session are not carried over to the new session. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the application to set these NLS settings on the new session.
TAF Notification
Given the delays that failovers can cause, applications may wish to be notified by a TAF callback. ODP.NET supports the TAF callback function through the Failover
event of the OracleConnection
object, which allows applications to be notified whenever a failover occurs. To receive TAF callbacks, an event handler function must be registered with the Failover
When Failover Occurs
When a failover occurs, the Failover
event is raised and the registered event handler is invoked several times during the course of reestablishing the connection to another Oracle instance.
The first call to the event handler occurs when Oracle Database first detects an instance connection loss. This allows the application to act accordingly for the upcoming delay for the failover.
If the failover is successful, the Failover
event is raised again when the connection is reestablished and usable. At this time, the application can resynchronize the OracleGlobalization
session setting and inform the application user that a failover has occurred. No significant database operation should occur immediately after a FailoverEvent.Begin
event. SQL and major database operations should wait until the FailoverEvent.End
event. FailoverEvent.Begin
is primarily used to reject failover or to trace it. FailoverEvent.Begin
can also be used for non-database application operations, such as informing the end user a failover is in progress and to wait until it completes before proceeding. Transactions can be used in the FailoverEvent.End
callback phase, such as to file fault tickets or audit. These transactions must be committed before the callback completes.
If failover is unsuccessful, the Failover
event is raised to inform the application that a failover did not take place.
The application can determine whether or not the failover is successful by checking the OracleFailoverEventArgs
object that is passed to the event handler.
Registering an Event Handler for Failover
The following example registers an event handler method called OnFailover
// C# using System; using Oracle.DataAccess.Client; class TAFCallBackSample { public static FailoverReturnCode OnFailover(object sender, OracleFailoverEventArgs eventArgs) { switch (eventArgs.FailoverEvent) { case FailoverEvent.Begin : Console.WriteLine( " \nFailover Begin - Failing Over ... Please standby \n"); Console.WriteLine( " Failover type was found to be " + eventArgs.FailoverType); break; case FailoverEvent.Abort : Console.WriteLine(" Failover aborted. Failover will not take place.\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.End : Console.WriteLine(" Failover ended ...resuming services\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.Reauth : Console.WriteLine(" Failed over user. Resuming services\n"); break; case FailoverEvent.Error : Console.WriteLine(" Failover error gotten. Sleeping...\n"); return FailoverReturnCode.Retry; default : Console.WriteLine("Bad Failover Event: %d.\n", eventArgs.FailoverEvent); break; } return FailoverReturnCode.Success; } /* OnFailover */ static void Main() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(); con.ConnectionString = "User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Data Source=oracle;"; con.Open(); con.Failover += new OracleFailoverEventHandler(OnFailover); Console.WriteLine("Event Handler is successfully registered"); // Close and Dispose OracleConnection object con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } }
The Failover
event invokes only one event handler. If multiple Failover
event handlers are registered with the Failover
event, only the event handler registered last is invoked.
Distributed transactions are not supported in an environment where failover is enabled.