Table of Contents
- List of Examples
- List of Tables
- Title and Copyright Information
- Preface
Changes in This Release for Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 21c (21.3)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (21.1)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (19.10)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (19.9)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET ODAC Release 19c (19.3.2)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (19.7)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (19.6)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET (19.5)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET in ODAC Release 19c (19.3)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 19c (19.3)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET in ODAC Release 18c (18.3)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release 18c (18.3)
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET in ODAC 12.2c Release 1
- Changes in Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release
Introducing Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- .NET Data Access in Oracle: Products and Documentation
- Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET)
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Assemblies
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Unmanaged Driver Assemblies
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver and ODP.NET Core Assemblies
- Oracle.DataAccess.Client and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client Namespaces
Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Namespaces
- Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Structures
- Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Exceptions
- Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Classes
- Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Interfaces
- Oracle.DataAccess.Types and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types Enumerations
- Differences between the ODP.NET Drivers
- Using ODP.NET Client Provider in a Simple Application
Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- System Requirements
- Entity Framework Requirements
- Entity Framework Core System Requirements
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET Versioning Scheme
- Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Unmanaged Driver
- Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver
- Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET Core
- Entity Framework Code First Assemblies and File Location
- Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Unmanaged Driver Configuration
Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver Configuration
- version Section
- dataSources Section
- settings section
- LDAPsettings section
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- implicitRefCursor section
- distributedTransaction section
- connectionPools section
- edmMappings section
- onsConfig section
- ONS TCPS and Wallets
- Client Side ONS Daemon Configuration
- Relative Windows Path and Windows Environment Variable Configuration Settings
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET Core Configuration
- Configuration Differences among ODP.NET Drivers
- Configuring for Entity Framework Code First
- Migrating from ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver to ODP.NET, Managed Driver
- Configuring a Port to Listen for Database Notifications
- General .NET Programming Recommendations and Tips for ODP.NET
Features of Oracle Data Provider for .NET
- Base Classes and Provider Factory Classes
- Code Access Security
Connecting to Oracle Database
- Connecting to Oracle Database Cloud Service
- Connection String Attributes
- Connection String Builder
- Specifying the Data Source Attribute
- Using WebSocket
- Using Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer
- Using Secure External Password Store
- Using Kerberos
- Using Windows Native Authentication (NTS)
- Network Data Encryption and Integrity
- Schema Discovery
- Connection Pooling
- Connection Pool Management
- Connection Performance Counters
- Database Resident Connection Pooling
- Oracle Multitenant and Pluggable Databases
- Edition-Based Redefinition
- Privileged Connections
- Connection Pooling with OracleCredential
- Password Expiration
- Proxy Authentication
- Dynamic Distributed Transaction Enlistment
- Client Identifier and End-to-End Tracing
- Transparent Application Failover (TAF) Callback Support
- Real Application Clusters and Global Data Services
- Using Transaction Guard to Prevent Logical Corruption
- Application Continuity
- Database Sharding
OracleCommand Object
- Transactions
- System.Transactions and Promotable Transactions
- Distributed Transactions
- Parameter Binding
- Batch Processing
- Statement Caching
- Self-Tuning
- Data Transmission Performance
- ODP.NET Types Overview
- Obtaining Data from an OracleDataReader Object
PL/SQL REF CURSOR and OracleRefCursor
- Obtaining an OracleRefCursor Object
- Obtaining a REF CURSOR Data Type
- Populating an OracleDataReader from a REF CURSOR
- Populating the DataSet from a REF CURSOR
- Populating an OracleRefCursor from a REF CURSOR
- Updating a DataSet Obtained from a REF CURSOR
- Behavior of ExecuteScalar Method for REF CURSOR
- Passing a REF CURSOR to a Stored Procedure
- Implicit REF CURSOR Binding
- LOB Support
- Native JSON Support
- Supported XML Features
- XQuery Support
- OracleXmlType and Connection Dependency
- Updating XMLType Data in the Database
- Updating XML Data in OracleXmlType
- Characters with Special Meaning in XML
- Retrieving Query Result Set as XML
Data Manipulation Using XML
- Handling Date and Time Format
- Saving Changes Using XML
- Characters with Special Meaning in Column Data
- Characters with Special Meaning in Table or View Name
- Case-Sensitivity in XML Element Name to Column Name Mapping
- XML Element Name to Column Name Mapping
- Saving Changes to a Table Using an XML Document
- Object-Relational Data
- Multiple Tables
- Commit Transactions
Oracle User-Defined Types (UDTs) and .NET Custom Types
- Oracle User-Defined Types (UDTs)
- Custom Types
- Specifying Custom Type Mappings
- Converting Between Custom Types and Oracle UDTs
- Oracle UDT Attribute Mappings
- Oracle UDT Retrieval from OracleDataReader
- Oracle UDT Metadata Retrieval from OracleDataReader
- Oracle UDT Parameter Binding with OracleParameter
- Populating the DataSet with Oracle UDTs
- UDT Method Invocation
- Configuration Settings for Oracle UDTs
- Using UDTs with Managed ODP.NET and ODP.NET Core
- Migrating from Unmanaged ODP.NET to Managed or Core
- Bulk Copy
- Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Support
- Continuous Query Notification Support
- OracleDataAdapter Safe Type Mapping
- OracleDataAdapter Requery Property
- Guaranteeing Uniqueness in Updating DataSet to Database
- Globalization Support
- Debug Tracing
- Database Application Migration: SQL Translation Framework
ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities
- Overview of Entity Framework
- Language Integrated Query and Entity SQL
- Mapping Oracle Data Types to EDM Types
- Oracle Number Default Data Type Mapping and Customization
- Migrating Existing Entity Framework 5 Applications to Entity Framework 6
- Code First
- Unsupported Entity Framework Features
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Entity Framework Core
- Application Programming Interface
- Sample Code
- Using ODP.NET Core Classes
- Logging
- Migrations
- Scaffolding Or Reverse Engineering
- Identifier Name Length and Uniqueness
- Using Large Character or Binary Data Types
- Performance Considerations
- Desupported APIs
- 6 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Stored Procedures
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Classes
- OracleClientFactory Class
OracleCommand Class
- OracleCommand Members
- OracleCommand Constructors
- OracleCommand Static Methods
OracleCommand Properties
- AddRowid
- AddToStatementCache
- ArrayBindCount
- ArrayBindRowsAffected
- BindByName
- CommandText
- CommandTimeout
- CommandType
- Connection
- DesignTimeVisible
- FetchSize
- ImplicitRefCursors
- InitialLOBFetchSize
- InitialLONGFetchSize
- Notification
- NotificationAutoEnlist
- Parameters
- RowSize
- Transaction
- UpdatedRowSource
- UseEdmMapping
- XmlCommandType
- XmlQueryProperties
- XmlSaveProperties
- OracleCommand Public Methods
- OracleCommandBuilder Class
OracleConfiguration Class
- OracleConfiguration Members
- OracleConfiguration Connection Properties
- OracleConfiguration Secure Connection Properties
- OracleConfiguration Command Properties
- OracleConfiguration Directories Properties
- OracleConfiguration High Availability Properties
- OracleConfiguration Performance Properties
- OracleConfiguration Debug Tracing Properties
OracleConnection Class
- OracleConnection Members
- OracleConnection Constructors
- OracleConnection Static Properties
- OracleConnection Static Methods
OracleConnection Properties
- ActionName
- ChunkMigrationConnectionTimeout
- ClientId
- ClientInfo
- ConnectionString
- ConnectionTimeout
- ConnectionType
- Credential
- Database
- DatabaseDomainName
- DatabaseEditionName
- DatabaseName
- DataSource
- DRCPConnectionClass
- DRCPPurity
- HostName
- InstanceName
- KeepAlive
- KeepAliveInterval
- KeepAliveTime
- ModuleName
- PDBName
- ProviderVersion
- ServerVersion
- ServiceName
- State
- StatementCacheSize
- SwitchedConnection
- TnsAdmin
- UseHourOffsetForUnsupportedTimezone
- WalletLocation
OracleConnection Public Methods
- BeginTransaction
- BeginTransaction()
- BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel)
- ChangeDatabase
- Clone
- Close
- CreateCommand
- EnlistDistributedTransaction
- EnlistTransaction
- FlushCache
- GetSchema
- GetSchema()
- GetSchema (string collectionName)
- GetSchema (string collectionName, string[] restrictions)
- GetSessionInfo
- GetSessionInfo()
- GetSessionInfo(OracleGlobalization)
- Open
- OpenWithNewPassword
- OpenWithNewPassword(String)
- OpenWithNewPassword(SecureString)
- PurgeStatementCache
- SetSessionInfo
- SetShardingKey(OracleShardingKey, OracleShardingKey)
- OracleConnection Events
- OracleConnectionOpenEventArgs Class
- OracleConnectionOpenEventHandler Delegate
OracleConnectionStringBuilder Class
- OracleConnectionStringBuilder Members
- OracleConnectionStringBuilder Constructors
OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Properties
- ConnectionLifeTime
- ConnectionTimeout
- ContextConnection
- DataSource
- DBAPrivilege
- DecrPoolSize
- Enlist
- HAEvents
- IncrPoolSize
- IsFixedSize
- Item
- Keys
- LoadBalancing
- MaxPoolSize
- MetadataPooling
- MinPoolSize
- Password
- PersistSecurityInfo
- Pooling
- ProxyPassword
- ProxyUserId
- SelfTuning
- StatementCachePurge
- StatementCacheSize
- TnsAdmin
- UserID
- ValidateConnection
- Values
- WalletLocation
- OracleConnectionStringBuilder Public Methods
- OracleCredential Class
- OracleDataAdapter Class
- OracleDatabase Class
OracleDataReader Class
- OracleDataReader Members
- OracleDataReader Static Methods
- OracleDataReader Properties
OracleDataReader Public Methods
- Close
- Dispose
- GetBoolean
- GetByte
- GetBytes
- GetChar
- GetChars
- GetData
- GetDataTypeName
- GetDateTime
- GetDateTimeOffset
- GetDecimal
- GetDouble
- GetEnumerator
- GetFieldType
- GetFloat
- GetGuid
- GetInt16
- GetInt32
- GetInt64
- GetName
- GetOracleBFile
- GetOracleBinary
- GetOracleBlob
- GetOracleBlobForUpdate
- GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int)
- GetOracleBlobForUpdate(int, int)
- GetOracleClob
- GetOracleClobForUpdate
- GetOracleClobForUpdate(int)
- GetOracleClobForUpdate(int, int)
- GetOracleDate
- GetOracleDecimal
- GetOracleIntervalDS
- GetOracleIntervalYM
- GetOracleRef
- GetOracleString
- GetOracleTimeStamp
- GetOracleTimeStampLTZ
- GetOracleTimeStampTZ
- GetOracleXmlType
- GetOracleValue
- GetOracleValues
- GetOrdinal
- GetProviderSpecificFieldType
- GetProviderSpecificValue
- GetProviderSpecificValues
- GetSchemaTable
- GetString
- GetTimeSpan
- GetValue
- GetValues
- GetXmlReader
- IsDBNull
- NextResult
- Read
- OracleDataSourceCollection Class
- OracleDataSourceEnumerator Class
- OracleError Class
- OracleErrorCollection Class
- OracleException Class
- OracleInfoMessageEventArgs Class
- OracleInfoMessageEventHandler Delegate
- OracleLogicalTransaction Class
- OracleOnsServerCollection Class
OracleParameter Class
- OracleParameter Members
OracleParameter Constructors
- OracleParameter()
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType)
- OracleParameter(string, object)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, string)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)
- OracleParameter(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection)
- OracleParameter Static Methods
- OracleParameter Properties
- OracleParameter Public Methods
OracleParameterCollection Class
- OracleParameterCollection Members
- OracleParameterCollection Static Methods
- OracleParameterCollection Properties
OracleParameterCollection Public Methods
- Add
- Add(object)
- Add(OracleParameter)
- Add(string, object)
- Add(string, OracleDbType)
- Add(string, OracleDbType, ParameterDirection)
- Add(string, OracleDbType, object, ParameterDirection)
- Add(string, OracleDbType, int, object, ParameterDirection)
- Add(string, OracleDbType, int)
- Add (string, OracleDbType, int, string)
- Add(string, OracleDbType, int, ParameterDirection, bool, byte, byte, string, DataRowVersion, object)
- AddRange
- Clear
- Contains
- Contains(object)
- Contains(string)
- CopyTo
- GetEnumerator
- IndexOf
- IndexOf(object)
- IndexOf(String)
- Insert
- Remove
- RemoveAt
- RemoveAt(int)
- RemoveAt(String)
- OraclePermission Class
- OraclePermissionAttribute Class
- OracleRowUpdatedEventArgs Class
- OracleRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate
- OracleRowUpdatingEventArgs Class
- OracleRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate
- OracleShardingKey Class
- OracleTransaction Class
- OracleConnectionType Enumeration
- OracleCollectionType Enumeration
- OracleDBAPrivilege Enumeration
- OracleDBShutdownMode Enumeration
- OracleDBStartupMode Enumeration
- OracleDbType Enumeration
- OracleDRCPPurity Enumeration
- OracleIdentityType Enumeration
- OracleParameterStatus Enumeration
Oracle Data Provider for .NET XML-Related Classes
- OracleXmlCommandType Enumeration
- OracleXmlQueryProperties Class
- OracleXmlSaveProperties Class
- OracleXmlStream Class
OracleXmlType Class
- OracleXmlType Members
- OracleXmlType Constructors
- OracleXmlType Static Methods
- OracleXmlType Static Fields
- OracleXmlType Instance Properties
OracleXmlType Instance Methods
- Clone
- Dispose
- Extract
- Extract(string, string)
- Extract(string, XmlNameSpaceManager)
- GetStream
- GetXmlDocument
- GetXmlReader
- IsExists
- IsExists(string, string)
- IsExists(string, XmlNameSpaceManager)
- Transform
- Transform(OracleXmlType, string)
- Transform(string, string)
- Update
- Update(string, string, string)
- Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, string)
- Update(string, string, OracleXmlType)
- Update(string, XmlNameSpaceManager, OracleXmlType)
- Validate
- 9 Oracle Data Provider for .NET HA Event Classes
Continuous Query Notification Classes
- OracleDependency Class
- OracleNotificationRequest Class
- OracleNotificationEventArgs Class
- OnChangeEventHandler Delegate
- OracleRowidInfo Enumeration
- OracleNotificationType Enumeration
- OracleNotificationSource Enumeration
- OracleNotificationInfo Enumeration
- 11 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Globalization Classes
- 12 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Failover Classes
Oracle Database Advanced Queuing Classes
- OracleAQAgent Class
- OracleAQDequeueOptions Class
- OracleAQEnqueueOptions Class
- OracleAQMessage Class
- OracleAQMessageAvailableEventArgs Class
- OracleAQMessageAvailableEventHandler Delegate
OracleAQQueue Class
- OracleAQQueue Members
- OracleAQQueue Constructors
- OracleAQQueue Static Methods
- OracleAQQueue Properties
OracleAQQueue Public Methods
- Dequeue
- Dequeue()
- Dequeue(OracleAQDequeueOptions)
- DequeueArray
- DequeueArray(int)
- DequeueArray(int, OracleAQDequeueOptions)
- Dispose
- Enqueue
- Enqueue(OracleAQMessage)
- Enqueue(OracleAQMessage, OracleAQEnqueueOptions)
- EnqueueArray
- EnqueueArray(OracleAQMessage[ ])
- EnqueueArray(OracleAQMessage[ ], OracleAQEnqueueOptions)
- Listen
- Listen(string[])
- Listen (string[], int)
- OracleAQQueue Events
- OracleAQDequeueMode Enumeration
- OracleAQMessageDeliveryMode Enumeration
- OracleAQMessageState Enumeration
- OracleAQMessageType Enumeration
- OracleAQNavigationMode Enumeration
- OracleAQNotificationGroupingType Enumeration
- OracleAQNotificationType Enumeration
- OracleAQVisibilityMode Enumeration
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Classes
- OracleBFile Class
- OracleBlob Class
OracleClob Class
- OracleClob Members
- OracleClob Constructors
- OracleClob Static Fields
- OracleClob Static Methods
- OracleClob Instance Properties
OracleClob Instance Methods
- Append
- Append(OracleClob)
- Append(byte [ ], int, int)
- Append(char [ ], int, int)
- BeginChunkWrite
- Clone
- Close
- Compare
- CopyTo
- CopyTo(OracleClob)
- CopyTo(OracleClob, Int64)
- CopyTo(Int64, OracleClob, Int64, Int64)
- Dispose
- EndChunkWrite
- Erase
- Erase()
- Erase(Int64, Int64)
- Flush
- GetHashCode
- IsEqual
- Read
- Read(byte [ ], int, int)
- Read(char [ ], int, int)
- Search
- Search(byte[ ], Int64, Int64)
- Search(char[ ], Int64, Int64)
- Seek
- SetLength
- Write
- Write(byte[ ], int, int)
- Write(char[ ], int, int)
- OracleRefCursor Class
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Structures
- OracleBinary Structure
OracleBoolean Structure
- OracleBoolean Members
- OracleBoolean Constructors
- OracleBoolean Static Fields
- OracleBoolean Static Methods
- OracleBoolean Static Operators
OracleBoolean Static Type Conversions
- implicit operator OracleBoolean
- explicit operator bool
- explicit operator OracleBoolean
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(byte)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(Decimal)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(Double)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(Int16)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(int)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(Int64)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(Single)
- explicit operator OracleBoolean(String)
- OracleBoolean Properties
- OracleBoolean Instance Methods
- OracleDate Structure
OracleDecimal Structure
- OracleDecimal Members
- OracleDecimal Constructors
- OracleDecimal Static Fields
- OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Methods
- OracleDecimal Static (Manipulation) Methods
- OracleDecimal Static (Logarithmic) Methods
- OracleDecimal Static (Trigonometric) Methods
- OracleDecimal Static (Comparison) Operators
- OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from .NET Type to OracleDecimal)
- OracleDecimal Static Operators (Conversion from OracleDecimal to .NET)
- OracleDecimal Properties
- OracleDecimal Instance Methods
- OracleIntervalDS Structure
- OracleIntervalYM Structure
- OracleString Structure
OracleTimeStamp Structure
- OracleTimeStamp Members
- OracleTimeStamp Constructors
- OracleTimeStamp Static Fields
- OracleTimeStamp Static Methods
OracleTimeStamp Static Operators
- operator +
- operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator + (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator + (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan)
- operator ==
- operator >
- operator >=
- operator !=
- operator <
- operator <=
- operator -
- operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator - (OracleTimeStamp, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator - (OracleTimeStamp, TimeSpan)
OracleTimeStamp Static Type Conversions
- explicit operator OracleTimeStamp
- explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampLTZ)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleTimeStampTZ)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStamp(string)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStamp
- implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(OracleDate)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStamp(DateTime)
- explicit operator DateTime
- OracleTimeStamp Properties
- OracleTimeStamp Methods
OracleTimeStampLTZ Structure
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Members
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Constructors
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Fields
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Methods
OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Operators
- operator +
- operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator + (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan)
- operator ==
- operator >
- operator >=
- operator !=
- operator <
- operator <=
- operator -
- operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator - (OracleTimeStampLTZ, TimeSpan)
OracleTimeStampLTZ Static Type Conversions
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStamp)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleTimeStampTZ)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(string)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(OracleDate)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampLTZ(DateTime)
- explicit operator DateTime
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Properties
- OracleTimeStampLTZ Methods
OracleTimeStampTZ Structure
- OracleTimeStampTZ Members
OracleTimeStampTZ Constructors
- OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime, string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, double, string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, string)
- OracleTimeStampTZ(byte [ ])
- OracleTimeStampTZ Static Fields
- OracleTimeStampTZ Static Methods
OracleTimeStampTZ Static Operators
- operator +
- operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator +(OracleTimeStampTZ, TimeSpan)
- operator ==
- operator >
- operator >=
- operator !=
- operator <
- operator <=
- operator -
- operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalDS)
- operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ, OracleIntervalYM)
- operator - (OracleTimeStampTZ value1, TimeSpan value2)
OracleTimeStampTZ Static Type Conversions
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStamp)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleTimeStampLTZ)
- explicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(string)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(OracleDate)
- implicit operator OracleTimeStampTZ(DateTime)
- explicit operator DateTime
- OracleTimeStampTZ Properties
- OracleTimeStampTZ Methods
- INullable Interface
- 16 Oracle Data Provider for .NET Types Exceptions
Oracle Data Provider for .NET UDT-Related Classes
- OracleCustomTypeMappingAttribute Class
- OracleObjectMappingAttribute Class
- OracleArrayMappingAttribute Class
- IOracleCustomType Interface
- IOracleCustomTypeFactory Interface
- IOracleArrayTypeFactory Interface
OracleUdt Class
- OracleUdt Members
OracleUDT Static Methods
- GetValue
- GetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, string)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, int)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, string, out object)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, int, out object)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, object, string)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, object, int)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, object, string, out object)
- GetValue(OracleConnection, object, int, out object)
- IsDBNull
- IsDBNull(OracleConnection, IntPtr, string)
- IsDBNull(OracleConnection, IntPtr, int)
- IsDBNull(OracleConnection, object, string)
- IsDBNull(OracleConnection, object, int)
- SetValue
- SetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, string, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, int, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, string, object, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, IntPtr, int, object, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, object, string, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, object, int, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, object, string, object, object)
- SetValue(OracleConnection, object, int, object, object)
- OracleRef Class
- OracleUdtFetchOption Enumeration
- OracleUdtStatus Enumeration
Oracle Data Provider for .NET Bulk Copy Classes
- OracleBulkCopy Class
- OracleBulkCopyColumnMapping Class
- OracleBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Class
- OracleBulkCopyOptions Enumeration
- OracleRowsCopiedEventHandler Delegate
- OracleRowsCopiedEventArgs Class
- A Oracle Schema Collections
- B Mapping LINQ Canonical Functions and Oracle Functions
- Glossary
- Index