- _CONNECT_IDENTIFIER predefined variable, 13.17.1
- _DATE predefined variable 13.17.1
- _EDITOR, in EDIT command 5.1.1, 13.17.1, 13.21
- _EDITOR predefined variable 5.1.1, 13.17.1, 13.21
- _EDITOR substitution variable 13.17.1
- _O_RELEASE predefined variable 13.17.1
- _O_VERSION predefined variable 13.17.1
- _PRIVILEGE predefined variable 13.17.1
- _RC predefined variable 13.27
- _SQLPLUS_RELEASE predefined variable 13.17.1
- _USER predefined variable 13.17.1
- ; (semicolon) 4.4, 5.2, 13.29
- /*...*/ (comment delimiters) 5.3.2
- ~ infinity sign 13.13
- -~ negative infinity sign 13.13
- ((amp)) (ampersand)
- ((colon)) (colon)
- bind variables 6.7
- ((colon))BindVariable clause
- EXIT command 13.23
- ((nbsp))/ (slash) command
- ((nbsp)). (period) 4.5
- ((nbsp))-- (comment delimiter) 5.3.3
- ((nbsp))- (hyphen)
- @ (at sign)
- @@ (double at sign) command, 13.3
- @ at sign)
- similar to START 13.2
- $ number format
- * (asterisk)
- # pound sign
- -MARKUP, 8.1
- -SILENT option, 8.1.3
- ABORT mode 13.43
- abort query 4.8
- ACCEPT command 6.6.1, 13.5
- alias 3.2.2
- ALIAS clause 13.13
- in ATTRIBUTE command 13.8
- ALL clause 13.42
- ampersands (((amp)))
- APPEND clause
- APPEND command 5.2, 5.2.3, 13.6
- APPINFO clause 9.5.2, 13.41.1
- argument
- in START command 6.5
- ARRAYSIZE variable 9.5.3, 13.41, 13.41.2
- ATTRIBUTE command 13.8
- ALIAS clause 13.8
- and CLEAR COLUMN command 13.8
- CLEAR clause 13.8
- clearing columns 13.12, 13.13
- controlling display characteristics 13.8
- display characteristics 13.8
- entering multiple 13.8
- FORMAT clause 13.8
- LIKE clause 13.8
- listing attribute display characteristics 13.8
- OFF clause 13.8
- ON clause 13.8
- restoring column display attributes 13.8
- suppressing column display attributes 13.8
- AUTOCOMMIT variable 4.11, 13.41, 13.41.3
- AUTOMATIC clause 13.34
- AUTOPRINT variable 13.41, 13.41.4
- AUTORECOVERY variable 13.41, 13.41.5
- autotrace report 9.1.1
- AUTOTRACE variable 9.1.1, 13.41.6
- background process
- startup after abnormal termination 13.43
- BASEURI variable 13.41
- BASEURI XQUERY option 13.41.72
- basic OCI package D.1.1
- batch jobs, authenticating users in 3.1.1
- batch mode 13.23
- BEGIN command 4.5
- bind variables 6.7
- blank line
- BLOB columns
- blocks, PL/SQL
- BLOCKTERMINATOR 13.41, 13.41.7, 13.41.52, 13.41.59
- BODY clause
- BODY option
- BOLD clause 13.37, 13.49
- break columns 7.2, 13.9
- BREAK command 7.2, 13.9
- and SQL ORDER BY clause 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.4, 13.9
- clearing BREAKS 7.2.5
- displaying column values in titles 7.3.4
- DUPLICATES clause 13.9
- inserting space after every row 7.2.3
- inserting space when break column changes 7.2.2
- listing current break definition 7.2.5, 13.9
- ON column clause 7.2.1, 13.9
- ON expr clause 13.9
- ON REPORT clause 7.2.7, 13.9
- ON ROW clause 7.2.3, 13.9
- printing grand and sub summaries 7.2.7
- printing summary lines at ends of reports 7.2.7
- removing definition 13.12
- SKIP clause 7.2.3, 13.9
- SKIP PAGE clause 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 13.9
- specifying multiple break columns 7.2.4, 13.9
- suppressing duplicate values 7.2.1
- used in conjunction with COMPUTE 7.2.6
- used in conjunction with SET COLSEP 13.41.10
- used to format a REFCURSOR variable 13.51
- used with COMPUTE 13.9, 13.14
- break definition
- BREAKS clause 7.2.5, 13.12
- browser, web 8.1.1
- BTITLE clause 13.42
- BTITLE command 7.3.1, 13.10
- aligning title elements 13.49
- BOLD clause 13.49
- CENTER clause 13.49
- COL clause 13.49
- FORMAT clause 13.49
- indenting titles 13.49
- LEFT clause 13.49
- OFF clause 13.49
- old form C.2
- printing blank lines before bottom title
- referencing column value variable 13.13
- RIGHT clause 13.49
- SKIP clause 13.49
- suppressing current definition 13.49
- TAB clause 13.49
- TTITLE command 13.10
- buffer 4.1.1
- appending text to a line in 5.2.3, 13.6
- delete a single line 5.2
- delete the current line 5.2
- delete the last line 5.2
- deleting all lines 5.2, 13.12, 13.18
- deleting a range of lines 5.2, 13.18
- deleting a single line 13.18
- deleting lines from 5.2.5, 13.18
- deleting the current line 13.18
- deleting the last line 13.18
- executing contents 13.4, 13.38
- inserting new line in 5.2.4, 13.28
- listing all lines 5.2, 13.29
- listing a range of lines 5.2, 13.29
- listing a single line 5.2, 13.29
- listing contents 5.2.1, 13.29
- listing the current line 5.2, 13.29
- listing the last line 5.2, 13.29
- loading into system editor 13.21
- saving contents 13.39
- BUFFER clause 5.1.1, 5.2, 13.12
- BUFFER variable C.6
- CANCEL clause 13.34
- Cancel key 4.8
- cancel query 4.8
- CENTER clause, 13.37, 13.49
- CHANGE command 5.2, 5.2.2, 13.11
- CHAR clause
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- CHAR columns
- charset
- SQL*Plus Instant Client D.1.2
- CLEAR clause 7.1.5, 13.13, 13.26
- in ATTRIBUTE command 13.8
- CLEAR command 13.12
- CLOB clause
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- CLOB columns
- CLOSECURSOR variable C.1, C.8
- CMDSEP variable 13.41, 13.41.8
- COL clause, 13.37, 13.49
- COLINVISIBLE variable 13.41.9
- colons (((colon)))
- bind variables 6.7
- COLSEP variable 13.41, 13.41.10
- COLUMN command 7.1, 13.13
- ALIAS clause 13.13
- and BREAK command 13.9
- and DEFINE command 13.17
- CLEAR clause 7.1.5, 13.13
- DEFAULT clause C.3
- displaying column values in bottom titles 7.3.4, 13.13
- displaying column values in top titles 7.3.4, 13.13
- entering multiple 13.13
- ENTMAP clause 13.13
- FOLD_AFTER clause 13.13
- FOLD_BEFORE clause 13.13
- FORMAT clause,, 13.13
- formatting a REFCURSOR variable 13.51
- formatting NUMBER columns, 13.13
- HEADING clause, 13.13
- HEADSEP character 13.13
- JUSTIFY clause 13.13
- LIKE clause 7.1.4, 13.13
- listing column display attributes 7.1.5, 13.13
- NEW_VALUE clause 7.3.4, 13.13
- NEWLINE clause 13.13
- NOPRINT clause 7.3.4, 9.5.1, 13.13
- NULL clause 13.13
- OFF clause 7.1.6, 13.13
- OLD_VALUE clause 7.3.4, 13.13
- ON clause 7.1.6, 13.13
- PRINT clause 13.13
- resetting a column to default display C.1
- resetting to default display 7.1.5, 13.13, C.1
- restoring column display attributes 7.1.6, 13.13
- storing current date in variable for titles 13.13
- suppressing column display attributes 7.1.6, 13.13
- TRUNCATED clause, 13.13
- WORD_WRAPPED clause, 7.1.7, 13.13
- WRAPPED clause, 13.13
- column headings
- aligning 13.13
- changing, 13.13
- changing character used to underline 13.41, 13.41.68
- changing to two or more words, 13.13
- displaying on more than one line, 13.13
- suppressing printing in a report 13.41, 13.41.26
- when truncated 13.13
- when truncated for CHAR and LONG columns
- when truncated for DATE columns
- when truncated for NUMBER columns
- columns
- assigning aliases 13.13
- computing summary lines 7.2.6, 13.14
- copying display attributes 7.1.4, 13.8, 13.13
- copying values between tables B.1, B.2, B.3
- displaying values in bottom titles 7.3.4, 13.13
- displaying values in top titles 7.3.4, 13.13
- formatting CHAR, VARCHAR, LONG, and DATE 13.13
- formatting in reports 7.1, 13.13
- formatting NUMBER, 13.13
- listing display attributes for all 7.1.5, 13.13
- listing display attributes for one 7.1.5, 13.13
- names in destination table when copying B.1.1, B.2.1
- printing line after values that overflow 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- resetting a column to default display 7.1.5, 13.13, C.1
- resetting all columns to default display 13.12
- restoring display attributes 7.1.6, 13.8, 13.13
- setting printing to off or on 7.3.4, 9.5.1, 13.13
- starting new lines 13.13
- storing values in variables 7.3.4, 13.13
- suppressing display attributes 7.1.6, 13.8, 13.13
- truncating display for all when value overflows, 13.41.70
- truncating display for one when value overflows, 13.13
- wrapping display for all when value overflows, 13.41.70
- wrapping display for one when value overflows, 13.13
- wrapping whole words for one 7.1.7
- COLUMNS clause 13.12
- column separator 13.41, 13.41.10, C.1
- comma, number format
- command files
- aborting and exiting with a return code 5.6, 13.52, 13.53
- creating with a system editor 5.1.1
- creating with SAVE 13.39, 13.41.17
- editing with system editor 13.21
- in @ (at sign) command 5.4, 13.2
- including comments in 5.3, 13.35
- including more than one PL/SQL block 5.1.1
- including more than one SQL command 5.1.1
- in EDIT command 13.21
- in GET command 13.24
- in SAVE command 5.1.1, 13.39
- in SQLPLUS command 3.5.3, 5.4.1
- in START command 5.4, 13.45
- nesting 5.5
- passing parameters to 6.5, 13.2, 13.3, 13.45
- registering 13.41, 13.41.1
- retrieving 13.24
- running 5.4, 13.2, 13.45
- running a series in sequence 5.5
- running as you start SQL*Plus 3.5.3, 5.4.1
- running in batch mode 5.6, 13.23
- uniform resource locator 13.2, 13.3, 13.45
- command history
- SQL*Plus 13.26
- command-line
- command-line interface
- changing face and size 1.2
- command prompt
- commands
- collecting timing statistics on 9.2, 13.48
- disabled in schema 14.1
- disabling 10.1
- echo on screen 13.41.16
- host, running from SQL*Plus 4.9, 13.27
- listing current in buffer 13.29
- re-enabling 10.1
- spaces 4.1
- continuing on additional lines
- editing in buffer 5.2
- editing with system editor 13.21
- ending
- entering and executing 4.4
- entering without executing
- executing current 13.4, 13.38
- following syntax 4.4.1
- listing current in buffer 5.2.1
- saving current 13.39
- setting character used to end and run 13.41
- SQL*Plus
- stopping while running 4.8
- tabs 4.1
- types of 4.1
- variables that affect running 4.7
- comments
- COMMIT clause 13.23
- COMMIT command 4.11
- communication between tiers
- COMPATIBILITY variable C.1, C.7
- compilation errors 4.5.1, 13.42, 14.1
- COMPUTE command 7.2, 13.14
- computing a summary on different columns 7.2.8
- LABEL clause 7.2.6, 7.2.7, 13.14
- listing all definitions 7.2.9, 13.14
- maximum LABEL length 13.14
- OF clause 7.2.6
- ON 13.14
- ON column clause 7.2.6, 13.14
- ON expr clause 13.14
- ON REPORT clause 7.2.7, 13.14
- printing grand and sub summaries 7.2.7
- printing multiple summaries on same column 7.2.8
- printing summary lines at ends of reports 7.2.7
- printing summary lines on a break 7.2.6
- referencing a SELECT expression in OF 13.14
- referencing a SELECT expression in ON 13.14
- removing definitions 7.2.9, 13.12
- used to format a REFCURSOR variable 13.51
- COMPUTES clause 13.12
- CON_ID clause 13.42
- CON_NAME clause 13.42
- CONCAT variable 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.11
- configuration
- globalization support 12.1
- configuring
- CONNECT / feature 3.1.1
- CONNECT command 3.1, 13.15
- connect identifier 13.15
- connection identifier 3.2.1
- CONTEXT variable 13.41
- CONTEXT XQUERY option 13.41.75
- CONTINUE clause
- continuing a long SQL*Plus command, 13
- COPY command 13.16, B.1, B.2
- and @ (at sign) B.1, B.2.1
- and ARRAYSIZE variable B.1.2, B.2.3
- and COPYCOMMIT variable B.1.2, B.2.3
- and LONG variable B.1.2, B.2.3
- APPEND clause B.1.1, B.2.2
- copying data between databases B.2
- copying data between tables on one database B.3
- CREATE clause B.1.1, B.2.2
- creating a table B.1.1, B.2.2
- destination table B.1.1, B.2.1
- determining actions B.2.1
- determining source rows and columns B.1.1, B.2.1
- error messages 14.2
- FROM clause B.2.1
- INSERT clause B.1.1, B.2.2
- inserting data in a table B.1.1, B.2.2
- interpreting messages B.2.3
- mandatory connect identifier B.1.1
- naming the source table with SELECT B.1.1, B.2.1
- query B.1.1, B.2.1
- referring to another user’s table B.2.4
- REPLACE clause B.1.1, B.2.2
- replacing data in a table B.1.1, B.2.2
- sample command B.2.1
- service name B.2.1, B.2.2, B.3
- specifying columns for destination B.1.1, B.2.1
- specifying the data to copy B.1.1, B.2.1
- TO clause B.2.1
- username/password B.1.1, B.2.1, B.2.2, B.3
- USING clause B.1.1, B.2.1
- COPYCOMMIT variable 13.41, 13.41.12
- COPYTYPECHECK variable 13.41, 13.41.13
- CREATE clause
- CREATE command
- entering PL/SQL 4.5.1
- creating a PLAN_TABLE 9.1.1
- creating flat files 7.4.1
- creating PLUSTRACE role 9.1.1
- creating sample tables
- CSV 8.1.2
- csv, outputting reports 8.1
- cursor variables 13.51
- database
- database changes, saving automatically 13.41, 13.41.3
- DATABASE clause 13.34
- database files
- recovering 13.34
- database name at startup 13.46
- databases
- database schema 9.1.1
- DATAFILE clause 13.34
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- date, storing current in variable for titles 7.3.5, 13.13
- DATE clause 13.5
- DATE columns
- DB2 13.41.13
- DBA 11.1
- DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package 9.5.2, 13.41, 13.41.1
- DBMS output 9.5.9, 13.41.49
- DECLARE command
- PL/SQL 4.5
- DEFAULT clause 13.5
- DEFINE command 6.1, 13.17
- DEFINE variable
- See: substitution variable
- DEL[ETE] clause 13.26
- DEL command 5.2, 5.2.5, 13.18
- DELIMITER clause 13.41.37
- DESCRIBE command (SQL*Plus) 4.2, 13.19
- disabling
- DISCONNECT command 3.1, 13.20
- DOCUMENT command C.1, C.4
- REMARK as newer version of C.4
- DOCUMENT variable C.1, C.9
- DUPLICATES clause 13.9
- SET command 13.41.16
- ECHO variable 5.4, 13.41, 13.41.16
- EDIT clause 13.26
- EDIT command 5.1.1, 13.17.1, 13.21
- EDITFILE variable 13.41, 13.41.17
- edition 3.5.2, 13.15
- EDITOR operating system variable 13.17.1
- Ed on UNIX 13.17.1
- EMBEDDED variable 13.41, 13.41.18
- entities, HTML
- ENTMAP clause,, 13.13
- environment variables
- error
- SQL*Plus Instant Client unsupported charset D.1.2.1
- ERRORLOGGING variable 13.41.19
- error messages
- errors
- escape characters, definition of 13.41, 13.41.20
- ESCAPE variable 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.20
- ESCCHAR variable 13.41.21
- example
- EXECUTE command 13.22
- executing
- a CREATE command 4.5.1
- execution plan 9.1.2
- execution
- including in report 13.41.6
- exit, conditional 13.52
- EXIT clause
- EXIT command 3.4, 13.23
- EXITCOMMIT variable 13.41.22
- extension 13.39, 13.41.61, 13.47
- FAILURE clause 13.23
- FEEDBACK variable 13.41, 13.41.23
- file extensions 2.2.3, 13.39, 13.41.61, 13.47
- file names
- files
- flat 7.4.1
- FLAGGER variable 13.41, 13.41.24
- flat file 7.4.1
- FLUSH variable 9.5.5, 13.41, 13.41.25
- FOLD_AFTER clause 13.13
- FOLD_BEFORE clause 13.13
- font
- changing face and size in command-line 1.2
- footers
- FORCE clause 13.46
- FORMAT clause 13.5, 13.13
- format models, number, 13.13
- formfeed, to begin a new page 7.3.6, 13.41.38
- FROM clause 13.34, B.2.1
- HEAD clause
- headers
- HEADING clause, 13.13
- headings
- HEADING variable 13.41.26
- HEAD option
- HEADSEP variable 13.41, 13.41.27
- use in COLUMN command
- help
- HELP command, ? command 13.25
- HIDE clause 13.5
- HISTORY clause 13.42
- HISTORY command 13.26
- HISTORY variable 13.41
- HOST command 4.9, 13.27
- HTML 8.1.1
- hyphen
- IMMEDIATE mode 13.43
- infinity sign (~) 13.13
- INIT.ORA file
- parameter file 13.46
- initialization parameters
- displaying 13.42
- input
- INPUT command 5.2, 5.2.4, 13.28
- entering several lines 13.28
- INSERT clause B.1.1, B.2.2
- installation
- installation by copying D.1
- installation by download from OTN D.1
- instances
- INSTANCE variable 13.41, 13.41.29
- Instant Client
- SQL*Plus D
- Instant Client packages D.1
- labels
- LABEL variable
- SHOW command C.1
- language
- SQL*Plus Instant Client D.1.2
- environment variables 2.1
- LEFT clause, 13.37, 13.49
- lightweight OCI package D.1.2
- LIKE clause 7.1.4, 13.8, 13.13
- limits, SQL*Plus A
- lines
- adding at beginning of buffer 13.28
- adding at end of buffer 13.28
- adding new after current 5.2.4, 13.28
- appending text to 5.2.3, 13.6
- changing width 7.3.6, 9.5.6, 13.41, 13.41.31
- deleting all in buffer 13.18
- deleting from buffer 5.2.5, 13.18
- determining which is current 5.2.2
- editing current 5.2.2
- listing all in buffer 5.2, 13.29
- removing blanks at end 13.41.66
- LINESIZE variable, 7.3.6, 13.41, 13.41.31
- LIST clause 13.7, 13.24, 13.26
- LIST command 5.2, 13.29
- LNO clause 13.42
- LOB data
- setting prefetch size 13.41
- LOBOFFSET variable 13.41, 13.41.32
- LOBPREFETCH clause 13.42
- LOBPREFETCH variable 13.41
- environment variables 2.1
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter 13.7
- LOGFILE clause 13.34
- logging off
- logging on
- login
- user profile
- login.sql 2.2.2
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- LONGCHUNKSIZE variable, 13.13, 13.41, 13.41.36, 13.41.37
- LONG columns
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- LONG variable 13.41, 13.41.35
- national language support 12.1
- See also: globalization support
- NCHAR clause
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- NCHAR columns
- NCLOB clause
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- NCLOB columns
- negative infinity sign (-~) 13.13
- net service name 3.2.1, 3.2.2
- NEW_VALUE clause 7.3.4, 13.13
- storing current date in variable for titles 13.13
- NEWLINE clause 13.13
- NEWPAGE command C.1, C.5
- NEWPAGE variable 7.3.6, 13.41, 13.41.38
- NLS 12.1
- NLS_DATE_FORMAT 13.5, 13.13
- NODE variable 13.41
- NODE XQUERY option 13.41.74
- NOLIST clause 13.24
- NOLOG 3.2.4, 3.5.2
- nolongontime
- NOMOUNT clause 13.46
- NONE clause
- NOPARALLEL clause 13.34
- NOPRINT clause 7.2.6, 7.3.4, 9.5.1, 13.13
- NOPROMPT clause 13.5
- NORMAL mode 13.43
- Notepad on Windows 13.17.1
- NULL clause 13.13
- null values
- NULL variable 13.41, 13.41.39
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- NUMBER clause 6.6.2
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- NUMBER columns
- number formats
- NUMFORMAT clause
- NUMFORMAT variable 13.41, 13.41.40
- NUMWIDTH variable 13.41, 13.41.41
- NVARCHAR2 columns
- objects, describing 13.41.15
- obsolete commands
- COLUMN command DEFAULT clause C.3
- NEWPAGE C.1, C.5
- SET command BUFFER variable C.6
- SET command CLOSECURSOR variable C.1, C.8
- SET command COMPATIBILITY variable C.1, C.7
- SET command DOCUMENT variable C.1, C.9
- SET command MAXDATA variable C.1, C.10
- SET command SCAN variable C.1, C.11
- SET command SPACE variable C.1, C.12
- SET command TRUNCATE variable C.1, C.13
- SHOW command LABEL variable C.1
- TTITLE command old form C.14
- OCI Instant Client D
- OCI package
- OF clause 7.2.6
- OFF clause 13.13
- OLD_VALUE clause 7.3.4, 13.13
- ON clause
- ON column clause
- ON expr clause
- online help 3.3.2, 13.25
- ON REPORT clause
- ON ROW clause
- OPEN clause 13.46
- opening a database 13.46
- operating system
- environment variables 2.1
- environment variables 2.1
- environment variables 2.1
- environment variables 2.1
- environment variables 2.1
- Oracle10g
- globalization support 12.3
- Oracle Application Editions
- edition 3.5.2
- Oracle Database Client D
- Oracle Net
- Oracle Session Editions
- edition 13.15
- ORDER BY clause
- ORDERING variable 13.41
- ORDERING XQUERY option 13.41.73
- OUT clause 7.4.3, 13.44
- output
- packages
- SQL*Plus and OCI for Instant Client D.1
- PAGE clause 13.37
- page number, including in titles 7.2.4, 7.3.2
- pages
- PAGESIZE clause
- PAGESIZE variable 4.4, 7.3.6, 9.5.8, 13.41, 13.41.42
- parameter 6.5, 13.2, 13.3, 13.45
- SQLPATH 2.1.1
- parameter files (INIT.ORA files)
- specifying alternate 13.46
- PARAMETERS clause 13.42
- password
- PASSWORD command 13.15, 13.30
- environment variables 2.1
- PAUSE command 6.6.3, 13.31
- PAUSE variable 4.10, 13.41, 13.41.43
- PDBS clause 13.42
- performance
- period (.)
- PL/SQL 4.5
- PNO clause 13.42
- pound sign (#) 13.13
- predefined variable
- PREFORMAT clause
- PRINT clause 13.13
- PRINT command 13.32
- printing
- prompt
- PROMPT clause 6.6.1, 13.5
- PROMPT command 6.6.1, 13.33
- customizing prompts for value 6.6.2
- prompts for value
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- record separators, printing 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- RECOVER clause 13.46
- RECOVER command 13.34
- and database recovery 11.4
- AUTOMATIC clause 13.34
- CANCEL clause 13.34
- CONTINUE clause 13.34
- DATABASE clause 13.34
- FROM clause 13.34
- LOGFILE clause 13.34
- NOPARALLEL clause 13.34
- SNAPSHOT TIME date clause 13.34
- STANDBY DATABASE clause 13.34
- STANDBY DATAFILE clause 13.34
- UNTIL CANCEL clause 13.34
- UNTIL CONTROLFILE clause 13.34
- UNTIL TIME clause 13.34
- recovery
- RECOVER command 13.34
- RECSEPCHAR variable 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- RECSEP variable 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- REFCURSOR bind variables
- in a stored function 6.8
- REFCURSOR clause
- VARIABLE command 13.51
- registry
- editor 2.1.1
- registry entry
- RELEASE clause 13.42
- REMARK command 5.3.1, 13.35
- removing sample tables
- REPFOOTER clause 13.42
- REPFOOTER command 7.3.1, 13.36
- REPHEADER clause 13.42
- REPHEADER command 7.3.1, 13.37
- aligning header elements
- aligning heading elements 13.37
- BOLD clause 13.37
- CENTER clause 13.37
- COL clause 13.37
- FORMAT clause 13.37
- indenting headings 13.37
- LEFT clause 13.37
- OFF clause 13.37
- PAGE clause 13.37
- RIGHT clause 13.37
- SKIP clause 13.37
- suppressing current definition 13.37
- TAB clause 13.37
- REPLACE clause
- reports
- autotrace 9.1.1
- breaks 13.9
- clarifying with spacing and summary lines 7.2
- columns 13.13
- creating bottom titles 7.3, 13.10, C.1
- creating footers 13.36
- creating headers 13.37
- creating headers and footers 7.3
- creating master/detail 7.3.4, 13.13
- creating top titles 7.3, 13.49, C.1
- csv 8.1
- CSV example 8.1.2
- displaying 13.41, 13.41.6
- formatting column headings, 13.13
- formatting columns,, 13.13
- interactive HTML example 8.1.1
- on the web 8.1
- SILENT mode 8.1.3
- starting on a new page 13.41.18
- title 13.49, C.1
- RESTRICT, 10.3, 13.46
- return code, specifying 5.6, 13.23, 13.53
- RIGHT clause, 13.37, 13.49
- roles 10.2
- ROLLBACK clause 13.23
- row data
- setting prefetch size 13.41
- column definition from DESCRIBE 13.19
- ROWPREFETCH clause 13.42
- ROWPREFETCH variable 13.41
- rows
- RUN clause 13.26
- RUN command 13.38
- sample schemas , ,
- sample tables
- SAVE command 13.39
- saving environment attributes 13.47
- SCAN variable C.1, C.11
- schemas
- SCREEN clause 6.6.4, 13.12
- screens
- scripts
- scripts, authenticating users in 3.1.1
- SECUREDCOL variable 13.41.48
- security
- SELECT command
- semicolon (;)
- SERVEROUTPUT variable 13.41.49
- service name
- Session Editions 13.15
- SET clause 13.47
- SET command 2.2.3, 4.7, 13.40, 13.41
- APPINFO variable 9.5.2, 13.41.1
- ARRAYSIZE variable 9.5.3, 13.41, 13.41.2, B.2.3
- AUTOCOMMIT variable 13.41, 13.41.3
- AUTOPRINT variable 13.41, 13.41.4, 13.51
- AUTORECOVERY variable 13.41, 13.41.5
- AUTOTRACE variable 13.41.6
- BLOCKTERMINATOR variable 13.41, 13.41.7
- BUFFER variable C.6
- CLOSECURSOR variable C.1, C.8
- CMDSEP variable 13.41, 13.41.8
- COLINVISIBLE variable 13.41.9
- COLSEP variable 7.4.1, 13.41, 13.41.10
- COMPATIBILITY variable C.1, C.7
- CONCAT variable 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.11
- COPYCOMMIT variable 13.41, 13.41.12, B.2.3
- COPYTYPECHECK variable 13.41, 13.41.13
- DEFINE clause 6.4
- DEFINE variable 13.41
- DESCRIBE variable 13.41, 13.41.15
- DOCUMENT variable C.1, C.9
- ECHO variable 13.41, 13.41.16
- EDITFILE variable 13.41, 13.41.17
- EMBEDDED variable 13.41, 13.41.18
- ERRORLOGGING variable 13.41.19
- ESCAPE variable 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.20
- ESCCHAR variable 13.41.21
- EXITCOMMIT variable 13.41.22
- FEEDBACK variable 13.41, 13.41.23
- FLAGGER variable 13.41, 13.41.24
- FLUSH variable 9.5.5, 13.41, 13.41.25
- HEADING variable 13.41.26
- HEADSEP variable, 13.41, 13.41.27
- HISTORY variable 13.41
- INSTANCE variable 13.41, 13.41.29
- LINESIZE variable, 7.3.6, 13.41, 13.41.31
- LOBOFFSET variable 13.41, 13.41.32
- LOBPREFETCH variable 13.41
- LOGSOURCE variable 13.41, 13.41.34
- LONGCHUNKSIZE variable 13.41, 13.41.36
- LONG variable 13.41, 13.41.35, B.2.3
- MARKUP clause 13.41.37
- MAXDATA variable C.1, C.10
- NEWPAGE variable 7.3.6, 13.41, 13.41.38
- NULL variable 13.41, 13.41.39
- NUMFORMAT clause
- NUMFORMAT variable 13.41, 13.41.40
- NUMWIDTH variable, 13.13, 13.41, 13.41.41
- PAGESIZE clause
- PAGESIZE variable 4.4, 7.3.6, 9.5.8, 13.41, 13.41.42
- PAUSE variable 13.41, 13.41.43
- RECSEPCHAR variable 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- RECSEP variable 7.1.7, 13.41, 13.41.45
- ROWPREFETCH variable 13.41
- SCAN variable C.1, C.11
- SECUREDCOL variable 13.41.48
- SERVEROUTPUT variable 13.41.49
- SHIFTINOUT variable 13.41, 13.41.50
- SPACE variable C.1, C.12
- SQLBLANKLINES variable 13.41.52
- SQLCASE variable 13.41, 13.41.53
- SQLCONTINUE variable 13.41, 13.41.54
- SQLNUMBER variable 13.41, 13.41.55
- SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY variable 13.41, 13.41.56
- SQLPREFIX variable 13.41, 13.41.57
- SQLPROMPT variable 9.5.10, 13.41, 13.41.58
- SQLTERMINATOR variable 13.41, 13.41.59
- STATEMENTCACHE variable 13.41
- substitution variable 13.41.14
- SUFFIX variable 13.41, 13.41.61
- TAB variable 9.5.11, 13.41, 13.41.62
- TERMOUT variable 9.5.12, 13.41, 13.41.63
- TIME variable 13.41, 13.41.64
- TIMING variable 13.41, 13.41.65
- TRIMOUT variable 13.41, 13.41.66
- TRIMSPOOL variable 13.41, 13.41.67
- TRUNCATE variable C.1, C.13
- UNDERLINE variable 13.41, 13.41.68
- used to format a REFCURSOR variable 13.51
- VERIFY clause 6.3.1
- VERIFY variable 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.69
- WRAP variable, 13.41, 13.41.70
- XMLOPTIMIZATIONCHECK variable 13.41, 13.41.71
- XQUERY BASEURI variable 13.41
- XQUERY CONTEXT variable 13.41
- XQUERY NODE variable 13.41
- XQUERY ORDERING variable 13.41
- SET HISTORY command 13.41.28
- SET LOBPREFETCH command 13.41.33
- SET ROWPREFETCH command 13.41.47
- SET STATEMENTCACHE command 13.41.60
- SET system variable summary 13.41
- SET variables 4.7
- See: system variables
- SET XQUERY NODE 13.41.74
- SGA clause 13.42
- SHIFTINOUT variable 13.41, 13.41.50
- schema parameter 13.42
- SHOW clause 13.48
- SHOW command 4.7, 13.42
- ALL clause 13.42
- BTITLE clause 13.42
- CON_ID clause 13.42
- CON_NAME clause 13.42
- ERRORS clause 13.42
- HISTORY clause 13.42
- LABEL variable C.1
- listing current page dimensions 7.3.6
- LNO clause 13.42
- LOBPREFETCH clause 13.42
- PDBS clause 13.42
- PNO clause 13.42
- RELEASE clause 13.42
- REPFOOTER clause 13.42
- REPHEADER clause 13.42
- ROWPREFETCH clause 13.42
- SPOOL clause 13.42
- SQLCODE clause 13.42
- STATEMENTCACHE clause 13.42
- TTITLE clause 13.42
- USER clause 13.42
- XQUERY clause 13.42
- SHOWMODE variable 13.41, 13.41.51
- SHUTDOWN command 13.43
- site profile
- glogin 2.2, 2.2.1,,,
- SKIP clause
- SKIP PAGE clause 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 13.9
- slash (/) command 13.4
- files loaded with GET command 13.24
- SPACE variable C.1, C.12
- SPOOL clause, 13.42
- SPOOL command 7.3.6, 13.44
- SQL.PNO, referencing in report titles 7.3.2
- using in EXIT command 13.23
- SQL*Plus
- command history 13.26
- command prompt 3.3.1
- command summary 13.1
- configuring globalization support 12.1
- configuring Oracle Net 2.2.5
- database administration 11.1
- environment variables 2.1
- error messages 14.1
- execution plan 9.1.2
- exiting 3.4, 13.23
- limits A
- obsolete command alternatives C.1
- setting up environment 2.2
- starting 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.5
- statistics 9.1.3
- system variables affecting performance 9.5
- tuning 9.1
- who can use
- SQL*Plus and OCI packages D.1
- SQL*Plus command-line vs SQL*Plus Instant Client D
- SQL*Plus Instant Client D, D.1
- SQLBLANKLINES variable 13.41, 13.41.52
- SQLCASE variable 13.41, 13.41.53
- SQL clause 13.12
- SQLCODE clause 13.42
- SHOW command 13.42
- SQLCONTINUE variable 13.41, 13.41.54
- SQL DML statements
- SQLNUMBER variable 13.41, 13.41.55, 13.41.56
- SQL optimizer 9.1.2
- SQLPLUS command 3.3.1
- -? clause
- /NOLOG clause 3.5.2
- and @ (at sign) 3.5
- and EXIT FAILURE 3.4
- Application Editions 3.5.2
- BODY option
- - clause
- commands
- connect identifier 3.5.2
- CSV option
- display syntax
- edition 3.5.2
- ENTMAP option
- HEAD option
- HTML option
- -MARKUP clause, 13.41.37
- -MARKUP option
- nolongontime
- PREFORMAT option
- RESTRICT, 10.3
- service name 3.5.2
- -SILENT clause
- -SILENT option, 8.1.3
- SPOOL clause
- syntax 3.5
- SYSASM clause 3.5.2
- SYSBACKUP clause 3.5.2
- SYSDBA clause 3.5.2
- SYSDG clause 3.5.2
- SYSKM clause 3.5.2
- SYSOPER clause 3.5.2
- SYSRAC clause 3.5.2
- TABLE option
- unsuccessful connection 3.4
- username/password 3.3.1, 3.5.2
- SQLPREFIX variable 13.41, 13.41.57
- SQLPROMPT variable 9.5.10, 13.41, 13.41.58
- SQLTERMINATOR variable 13.27, 13.41, 13.41.52, 13.41.59
- STANDBY DATAFILE clause 13.34
- START clause 13.48
- START command 5.4, 13.45
- starting
- STARTUP command 13.46
- statement cache
- setting size 13.41
- STATEMENTCACHE clause 13.42
- STATEMENTCACHE variable 13.41
- statistics 9.1.3
- collecting TIMING statistics 9.2
- STOP clause 13.48
- stop query 4.8
- STORE command 2.2.3, 13.47
- SET clause 13.47
- stored functions 6.8
- stored procedures
- creating 4.5.1
- subkey, registry 2.1.1
- substitution variables 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 13.41, 13.41.14
- _EDITOR 13.17.1
- appending characters immediately after 6.3.1
- concatenation character 13.41, 13.41.11
- DEFINE command 13.17
- defining 6.1, 13.17
- deleting 6.1, 13.50
- displaying in headers and footers 13.37
- displaying in titles 13.49
- in ACCEPT command 6.6.1, 13.5
- listing definitions 6.1, 13.17
- parsing 9.5.4
- prefixing 13.41.14, C.1
- related system variables 6.4
- restrictions 6.3.4
- system variables used with 6.4
- undefined 6.3.1
- where and how to use 6.3.1
- SUFFIX variable 13.41, 13.41.61
- SUM function 7.2.6
- summary lines
- syntax
- COPY command B.2.1
- syntax rules
- SYSASM clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSBACKUP clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSDBA clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSDG clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSKM clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSOPER clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- SYSRAC clause 3.5.2, 13.15
- system-maintained values
- system variables 4.7, 13.40
- TAB clause 13.37, 13.49
- TABLE clause
- TABLE option
- tables
- TABLESPACE clause 13.34
- tablespaces, recovering 13.34
- TAB variable 9.5.11, 13.41, 13.41.62
- tag, HTML 8.1
- TERMOUT variable 9.5.12, 13.41, 13.41.63
- using with SPOOL command 13.44
- territory
- SQL*Plus Instant Client D.1.2
- text
- text editor
- TIME variable 13.41, 13.41.64
- TIMING clause 13.12
- TIMING command 9.2, 13.48
- TIMING variable 13.41, 13.41.65
- titles
- aligning elements, 13.49
- displaying at bottom of page 7.3, 13.10, C.1
- displaying at top of page 7.3, 13.49, C.1
- displaying column values 7.3.4, 13.13
- displaying current date 7.3.5, 13.13
- displaying page number 7.3.2, 13.49
- displaying system-maintained values 7.3.2, 13.49
- formatting elements 13.49
- formatting system-maintained values in 7.3.2
- indenting, 13.49
- listing current definition 7.3.3, 13.10, 13.49
- restoring definition 7.3.3
- setting at start or end of report 7.3
- setting lines from top of page to top title 7.3.6, 13.41, 13.41.38, C.1
- setting lines from top title to end of page 9.5.8, 13.41, 13.41.42
- setting top and bottom 7.3, 13.10, 13.49, C.1
- spacing between last row and bottom title
- suppressing definition 7.3.3, 13.49
- environment variables 2.1
- TO clause B.2.1
- tracing queries 9.3, 9.4
- tracing statements
- TRIMOUT variable 13.41, 13.41.66
- TRIMSPOOL variable 13.41, 13.41.67
- TRUNCATED clause, 13.13
- TRUNCATE variable C.1, C.13
- TTITLE clause 13.42
- TTITLE command 7.3.1, 13.49
- aligning title elements, 13.49
- BOLD clause 13.49
- CENTER clause, 13.49
- COL clause, 13.49
- FORMAT clause 7.3.2, 13.49
- indenting titles, 13.49
- LEFT clause, 13.49
- listing current definition 7.3.3, 13.49
- OFF clause 7.3.3, 13.49
- old form C.14
- ON clause 7.3.3
- referencing column value variable 7.3.4, 13.13
- restoring current definition 7.3.3
- RIGHT clause, 13.49
- SKIP clause, 13.49
- suppressing current definition 7.3.3, 13.49
- TAB clause 13.49
- tuning
- environment variables 2.1
- UNDEFINE command 6.1, 13.50
- and DEFINE command 13.17
- UNDERLINE variable 13.41, 13.41.68
- unicode 12.1
- ed 13.17.1
- unlocking sample tables
- UNTIL CANCEL clause 13.34
- UNTIL CHANGE clause 13.34
- UNTIL CONTROLFILE clause 13.34
- UNTIL TIME clause 13.34
- USER clause 13.42
- username 3.1
- user profile 2.2.2
- See also: site profile
- user variable
- See: substitution variable
- USING clause B.1.1, B.2.1
- UTF-8 12.1