14.5 Basic LOOP Statement
With each iteration of the basic LOOP
statement, its statements run and control returns to the top of the loop. The LOOP
statement ends when a statement inside the loop transfers control outside the loop or raises an exception.
To prevent an infinite loop, at least one statement must transfer control outside the loop. The statements that can transfer control outside the loop are:
"CONTINUE Statement" (when it transfers control to the next iteration of an enclosing labeled loop)
A label that identifies basic_loop_statement
(see "statement ::=" and "label"). CONTINUE
, and GOTO
statements can reference this label.
Labels improve readability, especially when LOOP
statements are nested, but only if you ensure that the label in the END
statement matches a label at the beginning of the same LOOP
statement (the compiler does not check).
Example 14-4 Nested, Labeled Basic LOOP Statements with EXIT WHEN Statements
In this example, one basic LOOP
statement is nested inside the other, and both have labels. The inner loop has two EXIT
statements; one that exits the inner loop and one that exits the outer loop.
DECLARE s PLS_INTEGER := 0; i PLS_INTEGER := 0; j PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN <<outer_loop>> LOOP i := i + 1; j := 0; <<inner_loop>> LOOP j := j + 1; s := s + i * j; -- Sum several products EXIT inner_loop WHEN (j > 5); EXIT outer_loop WHEN ((i * j) > 15); END LOOP inner_loop; END LOOP outer_loop; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The sum of products equals: ' || TO_CHAR(s)); END; /
The sum of products equals: 166
Example 14-5 Nested, Unabeled Basic LOOP Statements with EXIT WHEN Statements
statement in an inner loop can transfer control to an outer loop only if the outer loop is labeled.
In this example, the outer loop is not labeled; therefore, the inner loop cannot transfer control to it.
DECLARE i PLS_INTEGER := 0; j PLS_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN LOOP i := i + 1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('i = ' || i); LOOP j := j + 1; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('j = ' || j); EXIT WHEN (j > 3); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Exited inner loop'); EXIT WHEN (i > 2); END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Exited outer loop'); END; /
i = 1 j = 1 j = 2 j = 3 j = 4 Exited inner loop i = 2 j = 5 Exited inner loop i = 3 j = 6 Exited inner loop Exited outer loop PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
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